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Is masturbation good r bad? if yes how often u can masturbate???

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Started by #463877 at 11,Sep,14 22:30

Similar topics: 1.Mutual Masturbation   2.masturbation/excessive libido   3.masturbation with circumcised penis   4.MASTURBATION TECHNIQUES. .   5.How OFTEN do you masturbate?  

New Comment

By #536316 at 30,Jun,17 17:49
if a 3 year old boy (has not been taught or talked to) plays with his cock because it just seems natural, why in the world would anyone think it is bad, it is natural.

I've been masturbating for more than 50 years, at a min of 2 - 3 times a week regardless of any sex with others.
By #491031 at 02,Jul,17 13:39
By that logic, if a 3 year old boy craps in his britches because pooping just seems natural...
By #536316 at 05,Jul,17 13:05
yea, your making the same point, it is not a bad thing when it is a natural thing. no one punishes the 3 yr old for doing that and should not.

By #537599 at 02,Jul,17 01:18
With myself it varies with my libido but sometimes its 2 or even 3 times daily I think it's generally a good indicator of your health.
Enjoy it without guilt I say .

By leopoldij at 08,Jun,17 16:51 other posts of leopoldij 
1) is against your religion
2) turns you blind
3) makes your palms grow hair
4) is **** in public
5) makes you weak
6) is dirty
7) is not something you can discuss
is dangerous for your heart
9) turns you into an animal
10) can't be practised at
11) is what politicians do
12) is pointless
13) takes tune
14) is counter productive
But, worse of all,
15) every masturbation is a missed opportunity for a real fuck.

By #289712 at 08,Jun,17 02:15
Only god squads will say its bad.

By #303909 at 28,May,17 22:48
It's free; it feels great; why waste it? Do it as often as possible!

By leopoldij at 08,Nov,16 15:26 other posts of leopoldij 
It's very bad but I practice it [deleted image]

By #497672 at 02,Nov,16 10:26
what's wrong with it. It's an absolute joy.

By #460385 at 28,Oct,16 17:32
It's all good. The more you jerk it, the smarter you get.

By #64328 at 24,Oct,16 07:05
I still aveage 7 to 10 times a week and been masturbating since I was 8 and no problems yet.

By #208346 at 23,Oct,16 12:35
I love it,several times a week

By #509888 at 22,Oct,16 16:33
I matubate. 3time a aweek to release the pressure

By #324336 at 22,Oct,16 14:32
not sure if it will make you blind that is why i got glasses.

By #520335 at 21,Oct,16 15:11
Masturbation is definitely good. If you release sexual tension via masturbation, you can control your desires much easier and keep your body more relaxed which is a definite plus for your health. Too much tension is not healthy. As far as how often can I masturbate. It all depends on my moods / homeyness. I have masturbated 3-4 times in a day when I was extremely horny, however, since I release my sexual tension this way, I rarely masturbate more than 4-5 times in a week but have done it as many as 10-12 times in a week.
By #517796 at 22,Oct,16 07:32
Well put!!

By leopoldij at 18,Oct,16 03:04 other posts of leopoldij 
It's very bad. Makes you blind.
By #519017 at 18,Oct,16 06:32
Crap! It obviously hasn't made you blind, you wanker!
By #316057 at 18,Oct,16 08:12

By leopoldij at 18,Oct,16 10:38 other posts of leopoldij 
how dare you call me wanker?
By #519017 at 18,Oct,16 21:50
Everyone on this site's a wanker - in other words a cock jerker. Well, at least by that definition I'm certainly a wanker!

By #519017 at 18,Oct,16 06:31
Good. You have to release the sexual frustration somehow, and its medically good to release the build up of semen. Used to masturbate a couple of times every night in my younger days, now about twice a week in between proper sex. I tried stopping once but just squirted my cream in night time "wet dreams" which made a mess. Better to keep your cock under control and treat it to what its telling you it wants!

By #517796 at 18,Oct,16 04:33
Good. You have to release the cum your body produces. Its the safest sex and you aren't so horny you make a mistake with the wrong person. Its a biological function.

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