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Sometimes when I'm alone...

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Started by #473582 at 21,Sep,14 03:14
Sometimes when I'm alone, I like to bathe in marinara sauce and pretend I'm a meatball.

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By gradurgaur at 23,Sep,14 00:32 other posts of gradurgaur 
Sometimes when am alone
I watch Honey bo bo
By bella! at 23,Sep,14 01:35 other posts of bella! 
I would never admit to that.......
By gradurgaur at 24,Sep,14 11:11 other posts of gradurgaur 
that show is so stupid but i find amasingly funny and i love

By bella! at 23,Sep,14 10:33 other posts of bella! 
Strange that you mentioned Honey Boo Boo. My news program has segments dedicated to 'celebrity' news and this morning they reported that Momma June and Sugar Bear are splitting. Evidently, she found that he was frequenting dating sites. For real!? Who wants him? Who wants her?

By #147052 at 23,Sep,14 14:42
Honey's mommy and daddy are getting a divorce

By #300311 at 22,Sep,14 20:16
Sometimes when I'm alone I try to do things round the house without using my arms

By #85103 at 22,Sep,14 01:11
Sometimes when I'm alone, I like to throw a black curtain over my shoulders, sit at the table and pretend I'm Judge Judy, shouting things like "Wrong!" and "That's outrageous!" at people on TV...

... I need to get out more.
By bella! at 22,Sep,14 01:28 other posts of bella! 
Oh my gosh! Do you get Judge Judy in the UK? I was on a short term disability from June and I returned last Monday. On occasion, I would catch that on TV. Our daytime programming in the Detroit area is loaded with talk shows on all local stations, some soap operas and one station has court/judge shows from 09:00 to 15:00. The funny thing is, even the commercials were lawyers advertising their firms.

Judge Judy is a hoot! She always looked like she was going to pop a vein. Anyone that came before her that were unmarried and split and had an issue with possessions, she just ripped into them.

By bella! at 21,Sep,14 04:02 other posts of bella! 
You be the gnocchi instead!

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