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Started by #473965 at 27,Sep,14 11:41

Similar topics: 1.What makes a good dick?   2.is it good to sex daily ?   3.Cum shots   4.Videos,like them or not?????   5.Help me with this :)  

New Comment

By #220845 at 19,Oct,14 00:41
I struggle with my sexuality, have no idea why I am this way,anyone else, I loveto suck cock, bending over and letting a man penetrate me, iam aroused just typing this.

By #457608 at 19,Oct,14 00:13
At the same time misunderstood,trying to explain it to so one 100% gay or straight is imposible most of the time.
By #455374 at 19,Oct,14 00:36
I hear that. Being bi seems to be less accepted than being gay or straight

By bigone21 at 11,Oct,14 21:10 other posts of bigone21 
i don't envy bisexual guys... the guys i played with, sooner or later end up having to choose between their sexlife with males or a monogamous relationship with a woman, and feel like missing out on something half of the time...

By #472648 at 03,Oct,14 12:23
It's the best of both worlds
By #450081 at 11,Oct,14 06:31
Yes for the girls

By johnp at 11,Oct,14 19:21 other posts of johnp 

By #303133 at 27,Sep,14 12:45
Conversely, it allows you to be rejected by twice as many people...
By #204766 at 02,Oct,14 01:49

By bigone21 at 02,Oct,14 21:19 other posts of bigone21 
6,999,999,998 to go!

in stead of 3,499,999,999!

By johnp at 11,Oct,14 19:19 other posts of johnp 
Poor jw😥... Don't worry buddy there is someone out there for everyone!!! 👍

By #44980 at 04,Oct,14 18:31
Doubles your chances of a date on Saturday night!!

By #472683 at 04,Oct,14 02:14
Because then you can have sex with ME.
By #102374 at 04,Oct,14 02:21
Oh yeah baby.

By #431354 at 27,Sep,14 21:26
I agree but I try not to be greedy, it's fun to have the best of both sexes...
By *kmadeau* at 02,Oct,14 08:48 other posts of *kmadeau* 

By #316057 at 02,Oct,14 06:41
more beneficial

Adult Discussion Forum