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Shy bladder syndrom

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Started by #461660 at 01,Oct,14 12:35
Any one is here suffer from shy bladder syndrom as me and have some idea to overcome this shyness, to pee smoothly in public urinals with friends and strangers? Plz give me tips to overcome it

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By spermkiss at 01,Oct,14 20:05 other posts of spermkiss 
Practice, practice, practice. You're obviously not shy about showing yourself here on SYD. Get used to exposing yourself other places, like whipping your dick out out-of-doors to pee outside. Have pissing contests with your friends to see who can squirt the furthest distance is one idea.
By #461660 at 02,Oct,14 03:23
When i m with friends in toilet i just try for peeing but it doesent come
By spermkiss at 03,Oct,14 17:19 other posts of spermkiss 
Here are some further thoughts I've had on your problem. Most importantly, think positive.

I would expect that even though you identify as straight, you like looking at other guys' dicks or you wouldn't be here. This is entirely normal as ALL GUYS, no matter how straight they are, like looking at other guy's dicks. From the dozens of photos of your own dick you've posted, I'll conclude that you enjoy showing it off. Again, this is entirely normal as almost all men like showing off their dicks.

Working from this, think about visiting a men's room in positive terms. It's an opportunity to show yourself off and an opportunity to check out other guys' dicks. Enjoy the camaraderie of standing shoulder to shoulder with other men all with their dicks out and visible. You might want to have a look at another Forum topic "Pissing at Urinals" started by a good buddy on mine here on SYD. It has generated hundreds of comments and it just keeps on going. Pissing with other men is something a lot of men enjoy.

Also, think about how good it feels to relieve the pressure on your bladder with a good pee. Surely you know this from when you've peed alone. Keep this in mind when you're peeing in a social situation.

You also might want to enlist the help of your friends in overcoming your problem. Be frank with them about your situation and ask for their help. Organize a "pee party" where a LOT of water or beer or other beverages are served. It won't be long before everyone has to pee. Then go with them to the toilet. But keep your own dick in your pants. Just watch them pee and see the pleasure it gives them to relieve the pressure in their bladders and the pleasure it gives them to know that they are putting on a good pee show for you. I bet it won't be long before you'll want to do the same for them.

Well, this is all I can think of right now, but it's something for you to work with.

By Blade at 02,Oct,14 01:47 other posts of Blade 
Yes, I suffer from this, and fight it all the time. I think for me it a distraction thing.

The best way to fight it is to wait until you really have to go. Then when you are up to the urinal, etc, it will be hard for the 'valves' to turn off.

Yes, I agree, peeing outside also helps. Do it in a risky type area, where you won't really get caught, but your still out in public. I did this for a while in parking lots. You do it where a car blocks you from the waist down. Pull out your phone, and pretend your on the phone while you pee. That way people don't think it's strange your just standing there in the parking lot. I'd go into or drive into a parking lot, where the foot traffic is parrellel to the cars, and whip it out and try to pee. Many times I couldn't do it. A couple times, the excitement of seeing chics walk by and the breese on my exposed dick, I'd get hard, then instead of leaving piss on the side of someone's car, I shot my cum. But that is another issue....

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