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Started by #44835 at 09,Jan,10 18:56
Hey i'm Justin, i'm 18(a senoir in high school) from Cali. I'm 100% an italian stallion And I think SYD should become a mobile site so more people can post pictures. I have a regular computer, but I don't want to risk my family seeing it.
Those mobile uploads suppose sending pics via e-mail. That means you have to specify your nick and some security keyword (otherwise anyone could upload pics to your account), category and mode manually, writting words correctly in exact order.
I do not believe an average internet user of these days can do this correctly. Which means the feature is nearly useless and will only cause me an additional headache - multiple complains that is does not work while the mobile provider charges money for the e-mail (many providers really do). That's why I do not want to do this. Not that it's really that hard to make...
I do not believe an average internet user of these days can do this correctly. Which means the feature is nearly useless and will only cause me an additional headache - multiple complains that is does not work while the mobile provider charges money for the e-mail (many providers really do). That's why I do not want to do this. Not that it's really that hard to make...