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Sarcasm and Me: A Clarification

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Started by #303133 at 29,Oct,14 21:21
Much of what I post on the SYD Forum (Hooray for the Dumpster!) is Sarcastic in nature. This is mainly because I tend to view everything from a sarcastic/satirical perspective.

It's ingrained in my DNA.

Unfortunately, Sarcasm does not translate well in written form. This tends to confuse quite a number of people.

In an effort to help ease some of this confusion, I offer this bit of advice:

If you have posted something which is very douchy or idiotic,and my response seems to AGREE with what you have posted, it really DOESN'T.

I am being SARCASTIC.
Because you are an Idiotic Douche Nozzle.
I never agree with Idiotic Douche Nozzles.

I am glad we had this little talk...

A Clarification of the Clarification:

If you are not sure whether or not you are, in fact, an Idiotic Douche Nozzle (most Idiotic Douche Nozzles are blissfully unaware of their Nozzlehood), just ask me.
I will be more than happy to let you know...

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New Comment

By #491031 at 28,Aug,15 17:43
This guy thinks just like I do! He's my fuckin' hero!

By bella! at 29,Oct,14 23:02 other posts of bella! 
Blissfully unaware of their Nozzlehood? Is Nozzlehood a word or are you being sarcastic?

Adult Discussion Forum