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Started by hunnngry at 02,Nov,14 09:37  other posts of hunnngry
Are there any true cowboys on this site ? I would love to chat with you.

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New Comment

By bella! at 02,Nov,14 12:29 other posts of bella! 
I ask with sincerity, are there many OR any real American cowboys left? I was hoping to see some tight jeaned, boot wearin', hat tippin'/dippin' ( not sure what the term is ) cowboys when I visited Texas as I was sooo disappointed!
By #170523 at 07,Nov,14 05:19
I do have an insight on this,the answer is yes,you are just looking in the wrong places.I am sure Texas has more cowboys then you would want to meet,if you do not see at least three horses to one man and a concern for all of them,you may not have the real thing
By bella! at 07,Nov,14 15:11 other posts of bella! 
Thank you for your reply.

If you noticed my post, I said that I was hoping to SEE real American cowboys when I was in Texas and I did not see any. Kinda like the expectation of when you go to Disneyland, you figure you will see Mickey Mouse.

By #448585 at 05,Nov,14 16:05
[deleted image]
By hunnngry at 06,Nov,14 18:33 other posts of hunnngry 
Damn i want you so bad mmmmm

By bella! at 07,Nov,14 15:05 other posts of bella! 
Yee haw!

Why is this a private picture?

By hunnngry at 02,Nov,14 17:23 other posts of hunnngry 
Ya theres got to be some left out there...

By #68656 at 02,Nov,14 10:28
The only "cowboys" on this website would not ride horses and most likely be like the "cowboy" from the Village People.
By *kmadeau* at 02,Nov,14 11:28 other posts of *kmadeau* 

Adult Discussion Forum