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Why do all the girls.....?

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Started by #345984 at 03,Apr,13 22:31
love Cowboys?

Similar topics: 1.Girls Please   2.Power vs Smooth fuck. Boys vs Girls   3.Girls, what does it feel like when you have sex?   4.Little girls. .....BIG COCKs   5.WELCOME GIRLS  

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By bella! at 03,Apr,13 23:39 other posts of bella! 
Because they're rugged. They are men that tip their hats and call you ma'am.
By #201583 at 04,Apr,13 00:57
I own a stetson, and I was born in Texas, worked for Pioneer at age 11. I grew up on a farm in the middle of nowhere NE Indiana. I got my first deer at 13. I drive a F-150 and dip Copenhagen. I can skin a rabbit as quick as you can sneeze. The only problem is that I like Cowboys too.
By #23212 at 05,Apr,13 05:33
But Willie's great song, 'Cowboys Are Frequently Secretly Fond of Each Other' might help your "problem"?

By #358235 at 04,Apr,13 09:57
Do we?

By #149276 at 04,Apr,13 01:06
At the risk of being "MEAN" and silly,, Girls love cowboys> because thats the first object MEN refer them to when they get biggerfrom there, women graduate to Wales! .. Really thou Women love the uniform!

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