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Various stages of pussy shaving and a bit of fisting

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Started by leopoldij at 07,Nov,14 00:33  other posts of leopoldij
I shave it. Then I played with it. WHat do you think?
Please share your pics.

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light fisting

Similar topics: 1.Shaving question   2.Big toys and fisting.......   3.Shaving Balls   4.Before and after shaving!!   5.fisting  

New Comment

By #485312 at 25,Feb,16 13:03
[deleted image][deleted image]
we didn't know each other than leo, l'd like to
see that fist disappear if it was near my pussy *lix*
By leopoldij at 25,Feb,16 20:18 other posts of leopoldij 
I know.. I know... Many people complained that what I posted isn't fisting. But I did my best, given the circumstances.
By #485312 at 25,Feb,16 20:25
Yes its a process, sometime you just cant please the masses no matter what you do. *lix *

By leopoldij at 04,Oct,15 00:28 other posts of leopoldij 
This is pretty remarkable. only registered users can see external links

By #472648 at 08,Nov,14 18:22
Sorry to burst your bubble but that's not exactly fisting.
By leopoldij at 09,Nov,14 02:45 other posts of leopoldij 
Can You show me or teach me
By #472648 at 09,Nov,14 06:58
No thanks. Steffi covered it for me
By leopoldij at 10,Nov,14 01:39 other posts of leopoldij 
Oh, Ok. I read the article on Wikipedia:

only registered users can see external links

By #444014 at 10,Nov,14 06:20
You could of just posted the link....
By leopoldij at 10,Nov,14 17:55 other posts of leopoldij 
I got carried away

By #472683 at 10,Nov,14 01:45
By #472648 at 10,Nov,14 19:15
I wasn't planning on having someone put their fist up my pussy just to demonstrate anyway also not on putting my fist up someone elses for the same purpose either...
By leopoldij at 15,Nov,14 08:40 other posts of leopoldij 
I know it's hard. That's why, in my pic, that's as far as I could go. In any case, I prefer licking. If I had a choice between licking and fisting your pussy, I'd do the licking any time. Your pussy looks delicious to eat. Why Would I waste the opportunity ?

By #4162 at 11,Nov,14 11:38
Fisting is great lube up and be gentle.get it all in!
By leopoldij at 14,Nov,14 23:58 other posts of leopoldij 
I'll try

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