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Started by #680818 at 16,Oct,22 20:16
How many love anal fisting besides me

Similar topics: 1.fisting   2.Big toys and fisting.......   3.Fisting einer Frau- Erfahrungsberichte von Frauen bitte   4.Anal discussion, tools, vegetables, bottles, Fisting, Who can show its greatest achievements.   5.Various stages of pussy shaving and a bit of fisting  

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By spermkiss at 16,Oct,22 21:40 other posts of spermkiss 
As the fister or the fistee? From your name I presume the fistee.

I know it's possible because I've seen the photos. Indeed, I've done it; see the next paragraph. And on some level I can see the satisfaction of taking big things in the ass. It's a challenge, like climbing a mountain. See how I've stretched out my asshole! I can take a hand, wrist and forearm all the way to the elbow and beyond up my ass. I can take a two liter beverage bottle up my ass. I've got the biggest asshole in the world!

But I don't see the satisfaction for the fister. True confession: I once fisted a guy, not because I wanted to do it, but because he wanted me to do it to him. Yes, it did satisfy a certain intellectually curiosity I had about what it would be like to put my hand up someone's ass, but I didn't find it erotic. Sure it's fun to finger a guy, prior to tongue fucking him and then dick fucking him, but a fist? No.

OK you fisters in the SYD membership (I'm sure you're out there) fill me in.

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