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John S is a loser.

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Started by #474162 at 11,Dec,14 16:07
I can't believe that that close minded, religious fruit cake has nothing better to do than report people and pictures all day. He has a lot of nerve to judge what is acceptable. Someone really needs to get laid.

Similar topics: 1.'Joanne',..'peter 402',...John bridges etc..   2.point to ponder   3.Elton John   4.JOHN HURT R.I.P.   5.OMG, OLIVIA NEWTON-JOHN HAS DIED  

New Comment

By #495558 at 16,Oct,15 13:13
[deleted image]

I know this car belongs to a certain person here...
By #316057 at 17,Oct,15 06:13

By #68656 at 08,Oct,15 04:49
All this attention and allusion from such respected members is both undeserved and quite flattering.
Also an interesting observation, why is it that my main critics do not have any images of themselves.? I have numerous pictures showing the whole me plus I am transparent yet these critics only have genital close-ups or web derived images.???
By JustWill at 08,Oct,15 15:59 other posts of JustWill 
You heard him guys! The self-appointed SYD Pecker Inspector is desperately yearning to see pictures of your naked asses. Please send them to him right away. Don't make him beg. (He turns into a big grumpy-puss when you make him beg.)
By mr_blue at 08,Oct,15 16:33 other posts of mr_blue 

By bella! at 09,Oct,15 05:44 other posts of bella! 
The SYD Pecker Inspector!? Frick, he inspects all the ladies as well. My guess is that in the morning, when you awake, he will have referred at least one SYC member to the Star Chamber for deletion because he inspected their parts and found matches of those parts to be on blogs, tumblr or some amateur website! Believe that!

By bella! at 10,Oct,15 02:40 other posts of bella! 
I thought that you might find this funny, there is already a pecker inspector. /member.php?w=491123

By #68656 at 12,Dec,14 07:22
When you stand before the same True and Living God whom you mock you can sort it out with Him personally.
Merry Christmas.
By JustWill at 29,Aug,15 17:34 other posts of JustWill 
By mr_blue at 08,Oct,15 11:50 other posts of mr_blue 
The thing that makes me laugh is that I wonder if his god is the right one ?...I mean....there are lots of people who believe in imaginary friends,there can only be one group that have picked correctly in terms of the right imaginary friend to believe in...

By mr_blue at 08,Oct,15 11:32 other posts of mr_blue 

[deleted image]

Adult Discussion Forum