Recent Posts of member mr_blue


##cody8789## 17,May,23 13:49
**You know you're old ....** 17,Oct,22 15:05
Fakes and flakes 12,Jun,22 03:07
⬆⬆*Reasons for being blacklisted/blocked*⬆⬆ 28,Apr,22 21:24
Show some love, haha 02,Jul,21 00:54
##-Conspiracy-## 21,Nov,20 00:43
*#-Pic Quiz-#* 09,Apr,20 21:38
🏉 🏉 Rugby World Cup 2019 🏉🏉 15,Sep,19 15:07
What do you think about this ? 08,Sep,19 00:04
***Sayings/quotes/clichйs*** 21,Aug,19 18:56
*#* Food *#* 06,Mar,19 02:54
***Things you should/shouldn't say during sex*** 02,Jan,19 20:57
##Ten years of syd## 27,Feb,18 21:05
###*I remember*### 17,Feb,18 15:12
*ON THIS DAY* 06,Jul,17 13:12
Circumcision 19,May,17 05:53
How fucking stupid is this... 22,Feb,17 22:40
Bunch of cunts 19,Feb,17 19:57
*Excitement Boobies* 16,Mar,16 16:47
Site shit... 25,Jan,16 13:46


By mr_blue at 08,Feb,25 19:50
Do you think that I am a trump supporter,or Elon fan?

You still don't see...

By mr_blue at 08,Feb,25 17:01
What happened to JustWill?

By mr_blue at 08,Feb,25 16:30
and how much do you think Trump will actually be able to do when the government gets taken to court? If Trump gets rid of anything or any department by executive order it can be put back by executive order....
He has to use laws passed by Congress to abolish or amend previous laws legal framework is already there to challenge Trump... Executive branch, legislative branch and the judiciary... What do I know about Trump,quite a bit,do I know what he doing, keep telling us....

By mr_blue at 08,Feb,25 13:45
you're doing it again.....what makes you think people believe everything Trump says?maybe they trust the science, and that informs their view....I already told you American politics is partisan and you went all round the houses to say it's not ,only to show that it is ,cuz you continually miss the side or the other makes you for or that is partisan...
You lump all Trump supporters together, reinforcing that partisanship...
You don't like trump and what he stands for.... that's your right, what I am trying to tell you is that , people know why they voted for him and are happy in that choice and you seem to think that all Trump voters are transphobic and hate illegals..when that's not the case...

By mr_blue at 08,Feb,25 12:10
damn dude ,take it all to heart and see what you want to can't see the wood for the trees....
Virtue signalling,look where you are posting,and the academic vernacular you use,you may be intelligent,but you lack communication skills... you're not looking for understanding...only to push your ideology on to people..
That's not tolerance...and you see things black and white when things are always nuanced.... people do bad things for good reasons and good things for bad reasons...
Trying to think all Trump voters agree with everything he does is ridiculous too..and if you are triggered by things and feel the need to reply,you have to accept what comes your way.... that's the nature of expressing what you believe to be correct...
Where did I say anything about illegals and transgenders and what my beliefs are?
You assume so much from what little I have actually said...

By mr_blue at 07,Feb,25 16:06
I pointed out that I think you are virtual signalling,how is that an attack ,it's an twist language to try and belittle people who think different.
Why are you so bothered by Trump and American politics and who American voters decided to instill as their leader?
You talk like you can influence American policy lol,you state you are left leaning,so you are partisan,you call anyone who votes for trump stupid and dumbasses and then expect to able to convince them that you might have some merit to any arguments you propose.
Why should I be respectful to you when you demonstrate contempt to people expressing opposing views?
You think I am being disrespectful, I'm tickling your belly...

By mr_blue at 07,Feb,25 12:55
You are virtue try to make out you are superior to everyone else who has a different view point...and as I don't know you ,what you say online can be different to your actual character ,so your words show you for who you are....and you are trying to act virtuous
So you just keeping adding whataboutism..
And you are so partisan,it reeks through you and you don't believe your views are wrong....
That hubris is a fools errand

By mr_blue at 06,Feb,25 18:10
Always amazes me how you can go to the name calling, where's the tolerance of different views that liberals always go on about?
California is a democratic state through and through, everything is run by them,so the issues in California are all self inflicted.
They want cheap labour, republicans have been talking about Americans first for ages now ,how simple can they make it for people to understand?
And agriculture in California depends on the bees just as much the water.
And just so you know I'm from the UK.....
So spare me your self righteous virtue signalling on a sex site a few hundred people use....

By mr_blue at 06,Feb,25 06:28
Of course water shortage is the just said Trump let the water go and it's now an issue for agriculture....
The water is wasted all over California....but it's an issue when Trump does something.
Newsome was very proud of the fact he keep the reservoirs dry to protect a fish....

As for the immigration, imagine a politician actually doing what he said he would, that's why people voted for him..
So clearly the democrats want slave labour more than republicans..
And do you really need an orange in the grand scheme of things?why monocrop if this situation is a possibility?

By mr_blue at 26,Jan,25 11:55
ask me a question and I will give you an answer to a question, I'm not going to try and see something in your comments that isn't there and you say I misunderstood,and look at who is buying the legacy media crap.
What side do you think am I on? I actually think musk is an idiot.
American politics is you have to pick a side... Democrats loved musk for electric cars,now look at how they treat him because he owns part of twitter...

Most Americans I know are "issues" people,and have voted for both parties and don't blindly follow a party...
I am not projecting anything, I'm not virtual signalling.
And I understand how lobbying works...
Maga people own the shares of Tesla,so they don't care who buys the cars ,they are proponents of free trade...

By mr_blue at 26,Jan,25 10:37
So just because your friends with Asperger's never did it means that it cannot happen then? Also you point out it's copycat behaviour,yeah politicians do it all the who do you think he copied, politicians or a nazi?
Everyone loved Elon when he was for democrats.....
Why am I defending him? I'm not, I'm pointing out the hypocrisy......

By mr_blue at 26,Jan,25 03:31
Have you seen musk in public speaking events?
When the guy gets excited he has tics...he has Asperger's ffs..not a nazi salute, impulsive reaction to admiration yes..

By mr_blue at 25,Jan,25 03:26
Go and Google Kamala and her salutes Nancy pelosi and Hillary Clinton have done it too...
French guy Macron is also a big fan of the Roman salute...
Where's the outrage when they do it....?

By mr_blue at 28,Dec,24 00:53
get next year's presents early

By mr_blue at 07,Nov,24 01:31
I gotta say I've enjoyed the watching liberal legacy media have a meltdown over trump.
I'm just waiting for the blame to fall on Musk and Rogan

By mr_blue at 28,Oct,24 20:15
sports provide social skills,how to communicate,how to maximise efficiency,how to use your aggression in a positive way,how to be humble,how to feed and look after yourself,life skills are important too.
Life is competitive ,and you lose way more than you win ,so learning to take a loss and not get too down about it, is probably the thing you learn from playing sport.
Academic skills only take you so far.

By mr_blue at 27,Oct,24 20:09
When the brain implant system works the government will make people work no need for a nursing home.
You really should look at who owns everything,those people don't care about civilization,they only care about money.
Everything is for maximum profit ,so why pay to keep a grass field and all the costs.When you can get artificial and pay the sports director of the school extra

By mr_blue at 27,Oct,24 17:35
Cheap labour will come from immigration as it's always done,automation will kill off most jobs anyway.

By mr_blue at 27,Oct,24 10:16
There's plenty of ways to live,and computer games are part of life for a lot of people. If you can do something you enjoy and get paid for it ,why not? That's free market at play.everything has to make a dollar in your country,so always expect something to be monetised at some point.
Work smart is better than working hard , that's literally the ethos of capitalism.Contact sports carry massive risk at high school age,a lot parents don't want their offspring playing those sports.So you get pussies
If you started playing computer games and could earn a lot of money from it,you would do it I'm pretty sure.
The youth of today just see money and want to do as little as possible to earn it.Like everyone else.

By mr_blue at 27,Oct,24 09:50
That's already happening

By mr_blue at 27,Oct,24 07:46
Have you seen the amount of money e-sports generates ?
Imagine being a school with no money,and some of your students are skilled at something competitive, would you not want them to learn the way of competing with others,and bring money to fund school programs?
Would you say the same thing about maths competition or spelling bees?
Also,have you seen the you tube videos of gray gamers playing call of duty?check them out,old people playing video games and showing the youth how to do it...
As everything costs so much,schools look to what makes them money to fund other programs.
Parents are facing massive bills if their ch1ld gets injured,so why allow them to get hurt then face a massive medical bill.
Who covers school insurance? Is it the parents or the school?

By mr_blue at 26,Oct,24 00:32
One illegal immigrant could kill up to 200 people because he has gun also
Tb can be stopped with this thing called vaccination..
You wouldn't want to shut down America for a viral infection now would you ?
Especially a Chinese one.

By mr_blue at 31,Jan,24 01:12
The shots are to reduce your risk of dying if you got the virus, it's never been a cure....your wear a seatbelt to reduce your risk of injury when driving, just in case you get hit....
It's a risk assessment.....
A seatbelt won't stop you from dying if your car gets hit a certain way it reduces your chance of dying....

By mr_blue at 31,Jan,24 00:56
I'm guessing most people just vote for the pic at the top regardless of who it is..
As most things are here,if you are popular,you can dominate the competitions....

By mr_blue at 26,Jan,24 19:01
All the threads that are interesting to you are getting buried most people here are wanting a dick rating.....

By mr_blue at 24,Dec,23 14:00
it's mostly men showing their wife or girlfriend...
Or men with multiple accounts using webcam stills and silent videos...
Still amazes me the amount of effort some guys put into a fake female account!!!! What's the point of it?

By mr_blue at 11,Nov,23 13:08
Woman says to her friends " my kids are driving me crazy, I'm going to sell them on eBay" friend replies "fuck that,you made them,sell them on Etsy"

By mr_blue at 18,Oct,23 23:35
I was getting people asking me if I was on other sites,cuz they have seen alex_blue on a lot of I just put mr_blue instead of alex_blue....and I picked that name(alex_blue) at random....

By mr_blue at 18,Oct,23 20:29
I just wondered how many usernames from this site appear in a song when I saw 'mr blue sky' posted. I didn't pick my username from the song...

By mr_blue at 18,Oct,23 19:49
I just thought it was funny,how many member usernames do you think appear in a song?

By mr_blue at 18,Oct,23 14:29

By mr_blue at 15,Oct,23 22:37
Like I said,if all media are singing from the same hymn sheet it generally stinks.... that's the war machine, Ukraine got boring,so they cooked up another war for you.... how come America hasn't decided to go after Russia?
Cuz America needs Russia to launder it's dirty crypto cash..... it's all about the money,which is your taxes being pissed away.... it's in your interest to see what is right in front of you in America....but you get fed shit rather than news,cuz it's another form of entertainment now.....
It's just history repeating itself ,but everyone is on board the war machine

By mr_blue at 15,Oct,23 22:10
And you are avoiding answering

By mr_blue at 15,Oct,23 20:52
And you are lapping up the war machine propaganda, it's in your nature phart, so now you believe what the government is telling you,a few weeks ago you were saying the election was stolen from trump,which is it phart?the government is telling you the truth or are you being fed shit all the time?
Cuz it's one or the other..
And no I don't need to go on the dark web,the shit is on Facebook,tik tok Twitter etc,like I said if all the government and the media are singing from the same hymn sheet we are all in trouble....

By mr_blue at 15,Oct,23 20:47
You're making your own justification ,there were no wmd's in Iraq or you would have found them when you invaded ...
It's so funny watching how you justify your views...

By mr_blue at 15,Oct,23 20:25 lap it up,notice how there's no pics of the Israeli army throwing grenades at Christian Palestinians phart,? Do you see that on the news sites or coming from a military leader yet? You pick what you want to believe,it just amazes me how you talk about deep state government working against trump and stuff and can't see it's the same big lie at play....

By mr_blue at 15,Oct,23 20:20
You know you're in trouble if all your media are repeating the same shit, weapons of mass destruction rings any bells or have you forgotten already?
I don't need CNN to prove anything, it's a new world of unfiltered information,if Hamas have beheaded babies,it would be online.....there is no way they can have any sympathetic feeling towards them if they do that,so it's a propaganda tool.... can't you see that?

By mr_blue at 15,Oct,23 20:11
Israel gets how many billions a year from the USA already?
This war is to stop trump from getting credit for bringing Saudi and Israel together,so the CIA helped push hamas to launch an attack.... CIA needs money and to justify itself so is causing shit, what's it called? Deep state... tell me how the the most surveilled places on earth misses guys in gliders and motorbikes with homemade rockets!!! Iron Dome catches the rockets and destroys them,was it turned off when hamas were firing them?Bit smelly don't you think skits?
Meanwhile the USA will piss billions up the wall again to make it look like they give a shit...
USA can bring peace to the middle east in minutes,but they are not allowed by war machine...
There is some word salad for you chew on

By mr_blue at 15,Oct,23 19:55
So you think you have the right to tell a woman what to do with her body? Fuck off...should I tell you how to live your life based on your basic bodily functions...?
And no one has shown proof of beheaded babies, otherwise it would be all over the net.... it's pure propaganda...

By mr_blue at 30,Sep,23 17:12
Can you not wash your cock properly in the modern age? Americans have been brainwashed to accept circumcision as being more healthy.... it's just another medical procedure that makes money for the doctors....if you are an adult and want a circumcision, that's absolutely your choice,but circumcision on a b@by in not a choice made by the person having it done....

By mr_blue at 28,Jul,23 19:45
Probably due to inactivity..

By mr_blue at 28,Jul,23 17:19
Mi-lips has gone ,never expected that

By mr_blue at 25,Jun,23 09:55
Invest in government bonds

By mr_blue at 25,Apr,23 06:45
My new partner told me to give her an orgasm,so when I did,
she tried to throw it back at me

By mr_blue at 25,Apr,23 06:41
Original name for Viagra was mycoxafloppin

By mr_blue at 22,Apr,23 13:17
I think admin will be busy trying to sort out all of the features available to members...

By mr_blue at 13,Apr,23 19:46
Face in the hole apps have been used here for ages.It is a fantasy for most of the users here,most of the female profiles are men using women's pics to get tributes...
If you search the pics they are online on other sites...
Onlyfans models are used here, there's even a UK minor celebrity having their pics used here.....
I used to give a shit,but now I just take it all as a joke!!!

By mr_blue at 13,Apr,23 18:48
Is bigger better? Most of the guys with a genuine large endowment have issues with dating cuz of the size of their when I see the comments from people on those pics, it's clear they are in a fantasy the women(husbands using their partners pics for gratification)
who are size queen's, when those so called size queens have no pics on their pages of playing with a big toy/dildo.... genuine size queens have big toys and show that they can take a big dick....
It is still funny to me,what people will fake,for a few clicks and likes...
Also,most big dick guys will show their dick in comparison to something to show how real it is or a video to prove what they have....
Lot of waffle there,but yes, most admirers of the horse schlong are in a fantasy land....

By mr_blue at 13,Apr,23 17:40
Most people here are never going to actually meet,so like admin has said, it's a fantasy.
I think most people know when it's fake,birds of a feather flock together,fakes seek fakes cuz it's all fake to them

By mr_blue at 13,Apr,23 16:38
Fake it,till you make it