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Started by #408125 at 02,Feb,15 23:51
In my **** i keep getting horny with my wife
BUT....when im groping her im imagining that she's got a cock an balls and im loving it till i come round and its just normal sex?????
So i watch some gay porn but ive noticed it puts me in a bad mood, wot is going on its so strange......is it cos we dont seem to have a proper sex life any more or am i craving man love more..??? Please reply if you can make sense of this..

New Comment

By #485312 at 03,May,15 11:04
go and see a shrink if it bothers you that much...a pro might be able to sort out your head, it takes more than a few words to fix most problems and most the people here are sex maniacs, l wouldn't want them fucking my brain, just my pussy *lix*

By slipper at 26,Feb,15 03:24 other posts of slipper 
It would probably help to actually talk with someone who can help you clarify your confusion and how to deal with it... not here. All the best!

By #475104 at 24,Feb,15 20:27
Have the wifey put on a strap on.. google "pegging".. hehehe, that will add some spice to your sex life..

By CreativeOne at 03,Feb,15 13:55 other posts of CreativeOne 
[deleted image]

You need to go out and meet up with a guy to fulfill your desires !

By leopoldij at 03,Feb,15 00:10 other posts of leopoldij 
on drugs?

Adult Discussion Forum