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For Admin

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by #9956 at 24,Sep,10 11:33
first of all thanks for an awesome site! been a long time member (no pun intended) and contributer and love this site.

I was just wondering if its possible to set it up so that when a member or a picture gets removed that it automatically gets taken out of other members favorites page? I find myself having to periodically clean up my favorites of pictures that have been removed. it possible to add a "slideshow" feature to the favorites page?

I am not computer programmer so i dont even know if these things are possible or what would be needed to do it. just my thoughts on making this site even better.

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New Comment

By admin at 29,Sep,10 01:17 other posts of admin 
There supposed to be an automatic clean-up, but as I see now it was not working. It's working now.

Adult Discussion Forum