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Started by #366426 at 27,Feb,15 03:44
I'm married but I have a sexy girl that will suck my dick and swallow but my wife hardly will suck me off let alone never will swallow I can't make up my mind whether I should go with the other girl or not any input from anyone maybe stories?

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New Comment

By #485312 at 03,May,15 11:19
life's short, if you like the swallow girl, make sure she wants you first though and leave your wife, as she deserves to be able to find true happiness too. she is obviously not into you if you don't have a satisfying sex life together, or she'd be more attentive to you....maybe you don't turn her on anymore....times a ticking, don't waste time wondering, do something about it... youre already having an affair and your wife deserves to know the truth...move on *lix*

By slipper at 01,Mar,15 07:29 other posts of slipper 
I'd hope there is more to any relationship. But, do what feels right to you.

By #451452 at 27,Feb,15 23:04
More support for the sex is only one part of married life. How is the rest? Would you stay with your wife if you lost your ability to be sexual with any woman?

By pifad at 27,Feb,15 12:42 other posts of pifad 
Anyone would be a fool not to suck your hot cock

Adult Discussion Forum