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loss of desire

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Started by #136427 at 07,Mar,15 15:06
For the past 3 weeks i have lost the desire to masturbate. I tried to rub one out a couple of times but after 30 minutes gave up because my cock was going soft. I dont even want to pound the wife anymore. Which is fine since she inly seems to want sex when she wants something. Is it an age thing. Im 39. Anyone else go thru anything like this?

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New Comment

By #485312 at 13,Aug,15 17:52
yeah, its all down hill from here on in, soon you will grow hair on your palms and your dick will be only good for peeing out of....if your hair hasn't fallen out, it will and your bum cheeks will begin to crawl down the back of your legs... *lix*

By #281008 at 07,Mar,15 22:47
give up man u r fxxxxxd happened to me at age 20
By luv2lickpussy at 24,Apr,15 17:06 other posts of luv2lickpussy 
Supplement...horny goat weed with'll be back to yourself within a day or two....really drives up the libido

By #415959 at 10,Apr,15 19:53
Get yourself some testosterone supplements. What your dealing with is normal for a man of your age.
By #23212 at 11,Apr,15 07:55

By Raypark at 10,Apr,15 15:24 other posts of Raypark 
This also happened to me some time ago, and presently. Let it go and don't worry about it but do talk with ur partner about what ur going thru. Stress and worries was my culprit and relationship issues which where unresolved. Things turned out alright and sex resumed and got even better. Presently going thru similar situation and my culprit is being in constant pain with health issues. We discuss things and feelings, she takes care of her needs when I cant thru masterbation for time being until I have surgery to fix problems. I am bothered about it a bit but don't worry about it as I know things will return to normal if not better again. Have faith Bud and relax. If you want great sex, ur partner needs to be a good friend you don't resent or have hang ups about. Pick ur battles, some are really not important, but makes a big difference for a happy relationship.

By #64328 at 09,Mar,15 21:08
Do you need someone else to start fucking her?
By #136427 at 10,Mar,15 11:56
Maybe i need someone else to fuck, who is not cold

By #23212 at 08,Mar,15 04:46
You are starting this nonsense again??!!

By #136427 at 09,Mar,15 20:24
I guess so. Fucking bitch is ruining my life. She will not listen to reason.

By #431354 at 07,Mar,15 15:19
Hey mate sounds like you need to spice up yur life...
By #136427 at 08,Mar,15 04:13
Maybe, but of the rocket will not launch i do t want to e in an even more akward situation...

By #136427 at 08,Mar,15 04:12
Porn isnt even exciting me. The little guy just doesnt want to stand tall. I still pee ok, and have all the energy i need for work,and such. I have been a little concerned about my relationship with the wife and her obvious lack of sexual requirements but that shouldn't and hasn't effected my love for a good porno before. I used to be in this site all the time checking out pussy. Now it doesn't do anything for me.and ive even tried looking at dicks nothing there either. Im not on any medication either and havent been smoking pot or drinking in a long time. Im begining to think maybe my old lady is bringing me down. Can that happen? Can they cold shoulder you so many times that your body just gives up even trying?

By Andthisisme at 07,Mar,15 16:44 other posts of Andthisisme 
First of all don't get this out of proportion that will just make matters worse. At various times over the years I have suffered a brief loss of interest in masturbation...BUT IT NEVER LASTED...I have foolishly tried to masturbate when I really didn't want was always a mistake either being a failure or disappointing. I don't think it is an age thing I am considerably older than you and masturbate regularly.

My advice. leave it alone, get on with your other interests or whatever and suddenly you will be back where you were. Over thinking and stress are the killer.
By #451452 at 08,Mar,15 00:38
Don't let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy. This is a complex problem and the best advice is to let it go unless you have other symptoms. If you pee okay, generally have the same energy for life and work and hobbies as you had, then this is a signal that you need to give the nerves in your dick and in your brain a rest. The more you worry the worse the problem will get. Find something to do with your time that will restore your self image without beating your dick to death. Stay away from artificial stimulation triggers like porn. Don't go to kitty bars. Stay away from the beaches with all of those tight almost bare butts running around. Don't try to shag the old lady. Just rest, watch the stupid tube and allow the equilibrium in your brain return.

By botanic at 08,Mar,15 00:07 other posts of botanic 
defo not an age thing , you are far too young for that. Usually this is a sign that something is worrying you ( other than the loss of desire that is ) .

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