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Extramarital affairs

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Started by #497509 at 24,May,17 10:37
I have intense desire for sex. Also due to some work, my wife stays away from me almost 15/20 days in a month on an average. When we stay together, then also she doesn't want frequent sex and I don't get satisfaction. In this situation should I look outside to satisfy my desire. In fact I had sex with other lady/girl few times. Should I continue it.

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By phart at 26,May,17 02:16 other posts of phart 
1 thing you may not realize, she may be getting all she wants elsewhere.
But if that is not the case, there were some vows you took when you got married.Your wife may take them more seriously than you. In that case, if she finds out you are porkin another woman, a good divorce lawyer might be your best friend.
Being my family fell apart for basically the reverse, my mom went off with someone else,I think it is a shitty way to treat a spouse. And any **** in the situation.
If you are not happy. Get a divorce then go fuck everyone else. May as well pay your way out of the situation you are in and make it easier for both of you. Then when she is away if she wants some she can get it, if not then she can do whatever else.

By #485312 at 26,May,17 00:56
just do it, pay for it if you have too, but why suffer for the rest of your life without sex if shes not interested... get a fuck that's not too close to home, tell her very little about yourself and never let your wife know... don't tell your friends or anyone what you are doing.. what she doesn't know wont hurt her and lifes too short to be stuck being frustrated, if your other lady likes the arrangement keep going and if you fall for the other woman, so be it... lifes for living and not regretting what you could of had... love is fleeting and most times it doesn't last forever.. *lix*

By #533258 at 25,May,17 22:16
I have been on all sides of an extra marital affairs. They ended up sucking the life out of you. 21 year old was a blast when I was 30 until she wanted to spend the rest of her life with me and didn't care who knew.

By leopoldij at 24,May,17 17:12 other posts of leopoldij 
If you need sex, you should get it. The best of all worlds is if your wife knows. I don't know what your relationship is but if she's ok with it, no problem, have it and that's fine.
If she doesn't approve then it's more complicated. You should still have as but, not only you shouldn't tell her, but you shouldn't let yourself be tortured by a guilt feeling. If you have a guilt feeling then forget it. You shouldn't continue having sex.

Regardless of what you decide, there's one good thing. That you seem to have the option to fuck someone else if you want to. Some people don't have this option.

People need to fuck but there are so many rules that they impose and mane their lives hard. We're so primitive...

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