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Undercover Gay

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Started by #427109 at 20,Mar,15 18:13
Just wondering how many of you are actually gay but living an 'undercover' straight married lifestyle...??? Yes that's the case with me, can't say that I'm bi wife is well aware of it and we found a way to deal with my sexual orientation in a pretty effective way! Is this weird, normal or what???

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By #485312 at 04,Aug,15 10:12
whats the way you deal with it??? do you fuck other people with consent from her??? does she fuck the milk man?? did you marry her to have **** and cant back out??? tell us what the deal is please??? *lix*

By bella! at 21,Mar,15 00:14 other posts of bella! 
It sounds like your 'normal'.

The title of your thread is 'Undercover Gay' geared towards guys that are gay but living an undercover lifestyle. Your profile states you are "bi". Do you find it difficult to label yourself as "gay"?

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