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Started by #166251 at 18,Apr,15 07:11
Do women like to watch men wank for them?

Similar topics: 1.Who likes watching?   2.Watching a woman pee   3.Watching someone cum?   4.Do you like watching guys cum?   5.Too much porn?!  

New Comment

By #485312 at 20,Apr,15 11:45
l don't like watching, its not going to last that long anyway, so why waste it..*lix*

By #289712 at 19,Apr,15 07:50
I'd love to have a group of women watch me masturbate. I'd shoot a massive load for them to see

By #166251 at 18,Apr,15 09:11
My gf likes to play while I wank over her n come on her tits she says its quite a power trip knowin I'm doin it over her x

By #358797 at 18,Apr,15 07:45
It's only amusing (for me, anyway) if there's an attraction towards the wanker on some sort of emotional level. Once in a great while I do get a wild burr up my ass and watch a random wanker to break the boredom, but it doesn't turn me on in any way....

Adult Discussion Forum