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Peeing while alone?

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Started by #287023 at 28,Apr,15 21:28
Does anyone have any great ideas of what i can do while im home alone and have to piss? i have always had a little bit of a fetish for peeing, and i would love to be able to do something to spice it up when im home alone. i always piss in bottles and pour is over me or lean up against a wall with my head on the floor and piss in my mouth. anyone else have any ideas of what else i can do?

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New Comment

By #121361 at 29,Apr,15 05:00
Tried this [deleted image]

By leopoldij at 28,Apr,15 22:12 other posts of leopoldij 
Read my other replies.

By #378894 at 28,Apr,15 21:36
Hold it as long as you can. For starters, you could go in the shower and pee on yourself. Easy to rinse off. If you have a tub, lie back in it (without filling it), stroke your cock and then piss on yourself. If you're feeling more adventurous, spread a drop cloth on the bed or floor. Cover that with a sheet or blanket that you can wash afterward. Then you can pee all over yourself, in your mouth, wherever. You can also try peeing with your clothes on and feeling it soak in.

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