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Started by #354852 at 01,Jun,15 00:06
Small, Average, Above Average, Big Or Very Large ? Please Pick One And Let Me Know What You Think Of My Penis.. Thanks !

[deleted image]

Similar topics: 1.What do you think of my young cock (shaved and not shaved)? after sex smell   3.Fun with my Cock Ring   4.50+ Cock Pics   5.My favourite p-vid  

New Comment

By #460385 at 16,Jul,15 13:56
To the YoungGotti. If your asking for your dick pics to make it on the main page and asking only women to comment. It ain't happening son. Granted your not gay and neither am I. But its impossible to get enough views on your pics without the men. Just the way it is.
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

I have pics with 2,600 views and 24 comments. 2 of those comments were from women. Be thankful that the men envy you as well. It doesn't make you gay.

By #491031 at 16,Jul,15 12:06
Just for the sake of clarification:

You call it "MASSIVE" in the post's title and then go on to ask if it is "Small,Average,Above Average,Big Or Very Large ".

If you wanted a definition of the word "massive"--wouldn't it have been easier to use a dictionary?
By *kmadeau* at 16,Jul,15 12:41 other posts of *kmadeau* 

By #485312 at 16,Jul,15 05:02
l think its up to him who he wants to friend. l know most members are men, but that doesn't mean he has to friend them because they comment on his shots, not everyone is bi or bi curious, l only friend men, because lm straight, and its my choice...if you don't like his posts or his attitude, don't comment or post...l think his cock is amazing...but l haven't voted or commented, l just looked, admired and let him be....*lix*
By bella! at 16,Jul,15 05:12 other posts of bella! 
You make the world a better place....*bella!*

By #354852 at 01,Jun,15 00:11
Would Appreciate Very Much If Ya'll Could Go On My Page And VOTE "HOT" For My Two Newest Pictures !

I Believe They Deserve To Be Showcased On The Front Page !

Thanks A Ton

Have A Good Day !
By bella! at 01,Jun,15 00:44 other posts of bella! 
I would like to make an observation and a suggestion. You have been a member for almost 2 years and it would appear that you chose only female members to befriend. Wrong! Wrong! WRONG! How many of your designated female friends have commented and voted on your pictures? Really think about it, probably not many to none. This is where I'm going to get you have the cajones to come to the forum and ask members to vote on your pictures because they "deserve" to be on the Main page. It doesn't work like that. SYD/SYC is not only a site to post your family's jewels, it is more importantly, a social site.

When you see a SYD member's picture that is appealing, have you made a comment and voted? I bet not. Since the majority of the members are men, it might be beneficial for you to begin commenting on their pics and add them as friends. You might have a chance to turn your next year around. I wish you good luck!
By #467057 at 01,Jun,15 03:22
Bella has a point bud.
By JeffinKS at 01,Jun,15 03:55 other posts of JeffinKS 
I couldn't have said it better Bella

By thesevenpointfive at 01,Jun,15 10:19 other posts of thesevenpointfive 
Yes have to agree

By andrew999999999 at 03,Jun,15 20:15 other posts of andrew999999999 
It's a bit sad asking people to comment on your dick. People will comment without you telling them to.

By #143536 at 03,Jun,15 21:22
Very well put bella!

By #481583 at 01,Jun,15 12:11

Adult Discussion Forum