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How did you convince them to show you their dick?

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Started by jackthestripper at 08,May,20 13:45  other posts of jackthestripper
How did you convince them to show you their dick? Or how did they convince you?

I read these discussions about having first guy to guy experiences during (for the most part) teen years. I'm wondering how it lead to it; what combination of words did you, or they use; what "tricks"?

If showing each other lead to something else, like jerking together, mutual jerking and more, what was said that lead to it? Was it as simple as asking or did it take "planning"?

How often was it spontaneous? How often was it planned?

Similar topics: 1.strait or not?   2.Show your dick, not show your bum hole   3.What are the many ways to show off dick in public?   4.keep your hair natural!   5.Trying to post to 'Show Your Cunt' Discussion!!  

New Comment

By #588327 at 10,May,20 12:02
We were having sleep over and looking at Playboy. We could see we all had boners. We were so horny, we played truth or dare but we all did the dare because we all wanted a reason just to get naked or see or touch each other. We stated just showing each other then jerking each other. The first dare was to pull underwear down to knees for like 10 seconds. Then drop them to ankles. Then we ended up taking them off. Just went naked together.

By #616943 at 09,May,20 01:56
I used the old show me yours, and I will show you mine.

By #292697 at 08,May,20 21:47
Growing up always started out peeing together which lead to comparing. moving forward into teen years it was porn which lead to how big is your boner which lead to once again comparison on dicks. I did this with a few guys growing up but only jerked with one. We started out comparing pubic hair which lead to hardons and one thing lead to another we were jerking off, nothing planned just happened. From then on when we felt like it we would jerk off was a great time in life. Now a days you need planning to make it work Craigslist was great for that because you both are after the same thing
By kebmo at 08,May,20 22:02 other posts of kebmo 
Craigslist was my best friend for five years! I never had a bad experience with anyone I met through CL.

By kebmo at 08,May,20 21:54 other posts of kebmo 
I have used two effective "lines".
"Are you circumcised?" Regardless of the answer (both times were yes) I follow with "Can I see it?" Both times I ended up seeing it and sucking it.

Twice I've said "We should get naked." Both times that was effective and we ended up sucking each other's cocks.

Now, you can't just say this to anyone but when you think a connection might be possible they're both good opening lines to achieve your goal of getting his cock out of his pants.

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