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unusual remaining foreskin after infant circumcision

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Started by #491745 at 09,Jun,15 21:17
You can see it on my profile. I guess the doc when I was circ'd as a baby failed to make a proper cut and now as an adult I find I have an inch or so flopping around under my head (no so muc when rest). Anyway, that part of me is exquisitely sensitive. Even my urologist said he's mot seen so much and offered to "fix" it. I joked and told him I did;t have so much that I'd give any away. I wonder if anyone else is like this.

Similar topics: 1.circumcision   2.CIRCUMCISING YOUR SON...   3.The Unusual   4.Considering Circumcision   5.Partial/ loose circumcision  

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By #603717 at 06,Nov,19 23:07

By slipper at 16,Jun,15 19:41 other posts of slipper 
Well, don't hide it, butchbutch; post more pix so we can see it!!!

By JeffinKS at 10,Jun,15 12:50 other posts of JeffinKS 
it looks like you had what is called a "Dorsal slit circumcision"
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By spermkiss at 10,Jun,15 16:37 other posts of spermkiss 
How interesting. I had a quick look at your article and one thing that jumped out at me was that this was/is practiced by the Maasai people of east Africa.

On a safari tour of Kenya and Tanzania our guide mentioned that when young men are circumcised in Maasai villages the foreskin is left attached, hanging from the underside of the penis, though he didn't use the term "dorsal slit circumcision". He went on to say that this gives greater pleasure to the female sex partners of these men. So I commented "Kind of like a French tickler". By his hearty laugh I knew that he knew what a French tickler is.

So Mr butchbutch you've got your own built in French tickler. Enjoy it.

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