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Started by #57759 at 17,Jun,15 15:46
those in favorite of pussy vote yes and show your pussy if you wish , those against vote no.

Similar topics: 1.BEST LOOKING PUSSY   2.NEW PUSSY CONTEST   3.votes against pics...   4.Anonymously voting down pictures   5.Pic of the Month Contest vote problem  

New Comment

By #480486 at 18,Jun,15 11:22
I vote for Pussy
By bella! at 18,Jun,15 14:01 other posts of bella! 
If I read the doctor's thread correctly, if "you" vote pussy, he would like to see your pussy. Will you be returning shortly with your picture?
By #57759 at 18,Jun,15 17:37
all ready have, check my site
By bella! at 18,Jun,15 18:29 other posts of bella! 
Doctor, oh doctor! You already have what? You must be hallucinating, stay off CII's while you're drinking.
By #57759 at 22,Jun,15 20:45
Bella, first of all I did not drink or do drugs. this a game , a simple game, do not over think it please
By bella! at 22,Jun,15 21:14 other posts of bella! 
Doctor, no drinking, no drugs? Then what excuse do you have?

By bella! at 17,Jun,15 15:55 other posts of bella! 
Doctor, what the fu@k is this supposed to mean? It's kinda early to be drinking isn't it?
By #491031 at 17,Jun,15 17:58
This one IS more confusing than normal. Will there be a debate? I think I will need to hear from both candidates before I can cast my vote in good conscience.
Also, if pussy many years will it hold office until the next election?
By bella! at 17,Jun,15 18:31 other posts of bella! 
I suppose that it could be important to hear from both candidates however if you just drink what the doctor is drinking, this might speed up the voting process.

By #57759 at 18,Jun,15 17:37
pussy will rule for ever!!
By #491031 at 18,Jun,15 18:03
If that is the case, why bother with this silly voting nonsense? It's just going through the motions if pussy has been declared Dictator for Life, so why waste time?
By the way, since you have obviously voted pro-pussy, when can we be expecting to see snap-shots of your cooter?
By bella! at 18,Jun,15 18:29 other posts of bella! 
Please, I don't want to see it, do you?
By #491031 at 18,Jun,15 18:43
Not particularly, no.

That would ruin the image of the good Doctor's pussy which I have created in my imagination.

I always envision it as running sideways, wearing a handlebar mustache and snacking on cheese doodles...

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