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Felling submissive to younger, hung guys

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Started by #493361 at 05,Jul,15 13:13
Although I'm straight I greatly admire and stare with awe and younger, hung alpha studs around 18-25 years old. I of course and jealous and envious of them because that's what I wish I was, but can't help feeling submissive to them. Seeing a younger hung guy brings out the inferiority in me. I often fantasize about being dominated, humiliated, owned and controlled by a young, hung, alpha guy. Anyone else who is small feel this way?

Similar topics: 1.Any Hung Men from the North?   2.younger or older ???   3.super hung guys who like to look at tiny weeners?   4.Tease 43yo married fit father about his smaller size.... ;-)   5.Does the first experience cause other experiences?  

New Comment

By #536019 at 24,Aug,18 18:16
Do I like to "fantasize about being dominated, humiliated, owned and controlled by a young, hung, alpha guy"?

Hell, yeah!

By #491031 at 05,Jul,15 16:37
I thought for sure that there would be some sort of whiny "this is 'ageist', please remove it" complaint because of the 18-25 year old bit.
Oh, well, looks like the Minister of Forum Affairs is slipping in his dotage...
By #143536 at 05,Jul,15 17:21
To be fair, he would have to claim "REVERSE ageism" in this case. So stay on the lookout. We're looking for REVERSE ageism. Reverse ageism.

By bella! at 05,Jul,15 20:31 other posts of bella! 
In my opinion, why this is not an issue for members that are offended by ageist remarks, this request is made by a 40ish man that only wants to feel humiliated by a toned 18 to 25 year old. The case I am familiar with was a 20ish member wanting to chat with members his age. Do you see, the one member wants to be humiliated and the wants to develop bonds with members his age. You are welcome.
By #460385 at 05,Jul,15 20:51
Ha. Y'all are missing the real point here. Another straight guy saying he wants to be dominated by a big cock.
By #491031 at 05,Jul,15 21:10
No, we're not missing that point. It just happens so often around here that you learn to ignore it.

By bella! at 05,Jul,15 21:37 other posts of bella! 
Yep, the point is that there is no point.

As an EXAMPLE, you indicate that your interest is in "couples". Should I get my panties in a knot because you have designated your desire to interact with "couples"? Did you mean straight couples, because your preference may offend the gay and lesbian membership. Maybe I should be offended that you have excluded members fitting my description, solo/"mature" female? OH HELL, NO! You, you darn redneck, you dun went and hurt my feelings....
By #491031 at 05,Jul,15 22:03
Freakin' JohnS down-voted this thread, too. lol
Obviously, he felt an 'ageist' vibe...

By #451452 at 05,Jul,15 22:07
How is it agest? Most men want to oogle young female bodies (18-24 years old) and nothing is said by the men. Perhaps some women will lament that is what old guys want is young stuff and nobody wants mature ladies. I guess that many of the factors that add extra appeal to young women for young men also apply to old guys after young guys.

Adult Discussion Forum