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Many thanks

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Started by #445126 at 24,Jul,15 12:17
To my friends and online family - I must go. It has been fun and I wish you all well. The times they are a'changin and I must change with them. The boi and I thank you all for your fun, insight and openness.

Peace and happiness to all as you move forward in your lives.

New Comment

By #316057 at 25,Jul,15 02:51
will missed you buddy

By bella! at 24,Jul,15 16:56 other posts of bella! 
shorttop, I hope I copied your email address correctly and that you've received my email. So many consonants and not enough vowels.......

By admin at 24,Jul,15 13:20 other posts of admin 
That was shorttop if you wonder. Pity he had to go.
By bella! at 24,Jul,15 13:47 other posts of bella! 
SYD/SYC lost a great member today.

By JeffinKS at 24,Jul,15 12:27 other posts of JeffinKS 
I wish you nothing but happiness in your life's next chapter

Adult Discussion Forum