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First time going to nude beach. erection ok?

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Started by #449263 at 06,Aug,15 11:20
My girl and I will be going with another couple in a few weeks to a nude beach. I am excited but also nervous. I know I am going to be hard right away and the majority of the time. I can't help it. If I am walking around naked and feel it swinging around I get hard. If I know ppl are looking at it I get hard. I have a big dick so I'm not worried about that, I am worried about the massive erection I am going to get. They said we park on a hill and leave out clothes at the car. I know I will be hard right away, Is this acceptable at the nude beach? Ever since I was about 12 my dick went from tiny to huge in what felt like over night, I would get hard just looking at it. My friends noticed too so everytime I would change around them or go in hot tub at my friends house i couldn't help it.

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By #159671 at 13,Aug,15 03:58
I have to agree with most of this. You young studs have to realize that you are not likely to retain a full hard on for hours and hours at a time. Given enough time, what is very stimulating will get old after a while and I expect you will go soft sooner or later. Either way it's not a problem, erections are just as natural as dicks themselves even for very young boys. I doubt anybody will be bothered unless you are dancing around and waving it in peoples faces (of course some might like that).

As for me personally, I wish I'd see more erections on the beach, it wouldn't bother me at all and it might even get me hard. Which might make the guy next to me hard, which might make the guy next to him hard...etc. You might end up with an army of men saluting the sun!

By #151013 at 10,Aug,15 17:54
Well it's looks as if I'm going to be the nay sayer here.
I' ve been going to the island of Menornca for the last17 years on and off, mostly on, and have been on the naturist sections on most of the beaches on the island.
Only once have I seen a guy with a semi, this whilst his wife was putting sun cream on him and being sneaky and rubbing the side of his cock. The point being that they were lead down and being careful.
Nobody walks around with a hardon, some Greek beaches where they might, in the dunes and to the back of the beach, are generally nudist only beaches, the dunes are cordoned off in Menorca and the beaches are not nude only.
Therefore anyone walks buy and young **** who are not part of the community. ( the Spanish often nude bathe as families )
To walk around proudly with a stiffy would just identify you as someone who finds the act titilating and not just the best way to sunbathe.
Each beach has its ways and its up to the person to judge the situation for what is, and is not, accepted locally.
If you do get an involuntary hardon, most of the men, for which I have spoken to about this, lie on their front and wait until it subsides.
If you want to walk about with your hardon, find a place where this is accepted as the norm or find a secluded beach, where you can do exactly what you wish.
Remember **** and older people are also part of the community and one has to show some restraint where the situation calls for it.
There is no other feeling like nude bathing and swimming (apart from naked skydiving,some I'm told!)
Some try it out but be aware it's a shared event.
By spermkiss at 10,Aug,15 18:16 other posts of spermkiss 
Your points are well taken. As the old expression goes, discretion is the better part of valor. So of course a man should not blatantly flaunt his sexual arousal in a family setting.

There is a large variety of nude beaches. Some of them are very adult orientated and sex on the beach is de rigueur. Indeed, I've been to beaches that were essentially open air free-for-all sex parties.

Then there are family oriented nude beaches, yes even here in the USA. But at those kind of beaches I've been to here in California, I have seen erections. If a man is reclining on his beach towel minding his own business and sunning himself and he gets a spontaneous erection, he is not committing a breach of manners as long as he does not call attention to his arousal.

By spermkiss at 06,Aug,15 15:45 other posts of spermkiss 
Yes, erections are OK. Say this to yourself "Erections are normal and natural and are nothing to be embarrassed about or ashamed of." Just keep saying that to yourself as many times as it takes until you feel comfortable. Shame or embarrassment about an erection is a recipe for impotence later in life. When you get to be my age you'll discover that there are a lot of things in life that are worse than having an erection. One of them is NOT having an erection. It's one of the cruel ironies of life that we men spend the first forty or forty-five years of our lives trying to keep our dicks soft and the rest of our lives trying to get them hard.

So, what should you do if you get an erection? Don't do anything. You should neither attempt to hide it nor should you call attention to it. Just keep on doing whatever you'd be doing if you didn't have an erection. Everyone will pretend not to notice.
By #435701 at 06,Aug,15 16:46
Wow, Spermkiss! That is just so perfectly described! As I have found out at 64 years old.

By #485312 at 06,Aug,15 22:50
lm glad you like having an erection on the beach, l don't get the unspoken 'no erection' or the 'no perving' rule...whats the point of going to the trouble of going naked to a place full a nude people and not looking or having a reaction to it..l think erections should be compulsory *lix*
By #390153 at 09,Aug,15 17:28
Im going to maspalomas in sept and i cant wait to walk in the dunes with an erection
By spermkiss at 09,Aug,15 18:58 other posts of spermkiss 
Walking around nude with an erection is one of life's real joys.
By #454258 at 10,Aug,15 03:24
I think it should be taken as a compliment

By jayman73 at 09,Aug,15 18:13 other posts of jayman73 
I totally agree. It would make it alot easier for my first time at a nude beach.

By #454258 at 06,Aug,15 12:31
I think it depends on the beach. but what do i know. i've never been

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