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Started by #454258 at 27,Aug,15 03:52
Don't worry, I'm not going to start preaching, or question anyone's beliefs. I just want to ask a hypothetical question.

If after you die, and are reborn, as the opposite sex, and were allowed to keep your memeries, and knowledge of your past life, what would you do differently?

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By routemaster at 27,Aug,15 05:37 other posts of routemaster 
I don't really believe in an afterlife but if I was to return with memories of a past life, I wouldn't change ANYTHING apart from telling a few nasty bosses where they can go
By #454258 at 15,Oct,15 02:27
really. no big regrets of your current life?

By botanic at 01,Sep,15 16:14 other posts of botanic 
I suspect if you came back as a member of the opposite sex, then there would be a whole lot of things you would have to do differently !
By #454258 at 02,Sep,15 00:56
oh im sure. i just know i won't make the same mistakes
By botanic at 02,Sep,15 10:39 other posts of botanic 
some of them you wouldnt be able to , no longer having the same equipment !
By #454258 at 09,Sep,15 03:08
I know. but im talking about less sexual things. like getting overweight, not planing my future when I was in high school, etc. shit like that
By botanic at 10,Sep,15 07:11 other posts of botanic 
good point !
By #454258 at 10,Sep,15 12:35
I also know that i would be a total tomboy

By #454258 at 01,Sep,15 04:17
If I was reborn a female, I would stay in shape, plan my future carefully, and live at a nudist colony. (3 things my current life has not done) also above all else, have no inhibitions about my sex life

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