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Sexual Hangups

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Started by #463848 at 17,Nov,21 12:07
In this uncertain world where fear and anxiety are part of everyday life for many; sexual hangups can destroy a normal life.

If you need to 'sort out your life' or some such presumption, you should beg or borrow a book that is long out of print but one that will ease your progress back to a peaceful life (no religion involved).

The book was written by A Simeons and its title is Man's Presumptuous Brain. If you manage to obtain a copy there are other parts of the book that will make you glad that you found it.

Similar topics: 1.Sexual Preference   2.To find sexual partners   3.Married men - reasons for seeking a fwb buddy   4.Your sexual bucket list   5.Bi Sexuality, Lets open up a tread on that, haven't seen one here before.  

New Comment

By Naturalfun at 17,Nov,21 16:21 other posts of Naturalfun 
If I had just read pp 250-261 in my youth! The free full text of the book is available to read online at the Internet Archive with an account--no charge to sign up.
Thank you for posting this!

Adult Discussion Forum