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Started by JustWill at 29,Aug,15 22:07  other posts of JustWill
Similar topics: to reply to private messages 2.Can't Find "How To Change" Voting Button 3.big dick question? 4.Topics From Forum Hell 5.picture in reply ? New CommentComments: |
Where did I read something about common sense??? Some people have it, some don't!
"Since some people here are brain dead. ___ I AM SPEAKING TO FLAPPER!! How fucking unclear can that really be???"
It was just a free-floating post. There was no indication elsewhere that anyone had actually been confused as to whom he was addressing (It is flapper's thread, after all.)
When I kindly pointed out how this seeming non sequitur just made things MORE unclear, he got very cranky. (Some people just can't handle constructive criticism.)
I thought that starting a thread explaining how to use the "Reply" button would help prevent others from looking foolish in the future.