in another
topic on the forum another member asked "females" what they thought of his cock.i posted an answer but i got the impression that it was not what he wanted to hear as he came back with a
replay that suggest he thinks i am a man,fair enough its a forum.i then posted a reply pointing out that its a forum and if you did not like the answer he received then perhaps it was not such a
good idear to have posted the question in the first place.his reply to this was a self oppionated diatribe filled anwers that was more for his
benefit than mine.i replied and then went on and had a little fun at his expence.logged on this morning saw this persons answer,were he again suggests i am a man,again fair enough its a forum,and went to answer only to find that this person has black listed me and i now not able to respond to his answer...seeing that nothing that i said could or would be classed as offencive, or even rude for that fact, how can i be banned from a topic on a forum just because i answered a question posted honestly and truthfully and the recipient,who posted the topic in the first palace, did not like it?