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Circumcisions a More Serious Thread

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Started by #444412 at 09,Sep,15 05:36
I just had a conversation with a fellow on this website about circumcision, specifically on the topic of genital mutilation. He was of Filipino decent, and I mentioned to that it was common practice and traditional to circumcise long after a person is born but also well before they'd be expected to be sexually active. This specific ceremony doesn't involve the common practice western circumcision preformed in hospitals that is now going out of style, with the the more informed parent of this era. The circumcision instead involves cutting down the foreskin and the shaft more then is necessary, tucking it into a kind of bag shape, and then sewing it beneath the head of the penis to the frenulum. (the most sensitive part of the male genitals) This procedure greatly reduces the length of the penis, it's ability to fully form with the growth of the person, and the ability to be stimulated. The idea is that it will increase the stimulation of your female sexual partner, but I have no indication that is the case. Feel free to google search this and do your own research. Keep in mind it's a traditional practice and not all traditions make sense.

Now I didn't talk to this man about this particular kind of circumcision. But I did say that the Filipino culture does at times involve genital mutilation. The fellow replied that he doesn't "feel that circumcision is genital mutilation, and we do it for hygiene purposes." He then blocked me mid-conversation. My understanding is that circumcision has been disproven to deter the transmission of of sexually transmitted infections. And that there is no specific benefit either way, excluding the fact that it's believed an intact foreskin will allow the penis to have increased stimulation over that of a circumcised penis. This lack of reason for cutting the penis makes circumcision seem like an unnecessary middle step. Especially if the recipient of the procedure has just been birthed. Unless of course there is a legitimate medical reason for the procedure.

Also unbenounced to the gentlemen I was chatting with I had in my past had a sexual partner that was Filipino and had undergone the exact procedure I described. He said it was preformed on him at an age before becoming a teenager. He didn't really feel it was necessary. But he also didn't feel envious of anyone who hand the standard issue between there legs. In his words, "it is, what it is."

Another reason for circumcision would be tradition, whether it's religious or not. Many cultures and religions engage in the practice on males, and certain cultures on females as well. But my knowledge fails me on that specific side of the topic. (perhaps someone would be kind enough to enlighten us) However in these situations it isn't always the choice of the individual to have the procedure preformed. And I don't agree with someone having a procedure that should be elective, being forced on them. If the culture pushes individuals towards it, for instance treating it as a right-of-passage. Then I would say it wasn't entirely the individuals choice to proceed, but if you want it done then more power to you.

The other side of the issue is genital mutilation. It can be a traditional practice but in other cases it's completely secular. Many people engage in it on there own. It's a personal choice, that has no effect on anyone but ones self. It can range from piercings, to binding, to cutting, to adding new holes, also dripping hot wax on your dong is one I'd like to try some day. Who doesn't like a little pain with there pleasure. There's many examples on this website of people that engage in these kinds of things. I myself enjoy browsing these kinds of images. They range from wacky to astounding. And again back to the Filipino culture, there are even sailors that modify there penises by placing sterilized beads under the skin to increase their partners sexual enjoyment. Here is a link to an article about this fascinating topic. only registered users can see external links

But there are differences between these people that do it of there own volition and the people that have had it done because of religious or cultural reasons. The differences almost always include age and or willingness or having it be a choice or not. My personal opinion is that it's wrong to preform an unnecessary procedure on someone who doesn't have a say in the matter.

As for you I'd like to hear your opinion on circumcision and genital mutilation. Are you cut or uncut? Do you like it or not? What are some cultural practice you've heard of or been exposed to related to this topic? Do you engage in self modification? If you do what does it involve? Feel free to include pictures, but remember I believe they have to be your own! And of course anything else you might like to share on the topic! Also feel free to correct me on any of my facts. But remember your opinion isn't a fact. Thanks for reading!

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New Comment

By qqqq1234 at 29,Sep,15 18:08 other posts of qqqq1234 
Interesting thread.

Some cultures started the circumcision do deter masturbation, and there was the myth that masturbation can cause blindness, which has since been refuted.

By soundsgreat87 at 10,Sep,15 01:37 other posts of soundsgreat87 
Opinions may not be facts, but some opinions are very much more supported by facts than other opinions. Having an opinion does not make it valid.

I'm very much against circumcision forced upon minors for anything other than legitimate medical reasons. The line between "legitimate" and "illegitimate" is something that still needs to be addressed in American culture, too. So often intact b o y s are circumcised because they can't pull their foreskins back, or because they had paraphimosis, or because they had a yeast infection, even though these problems are either harmless, easily fixable, preventable, or all of the above. I think a lot of well-meaning American parents who leave their b o y s intact don't know about some of these issues, having grown up in a cut culture themselves, and a lot of guys grow up having problems with their dicks as a result.

I'm totally fine with adults getting cut, though I'm of course sad when they do it, especially since there's such a dearth of them around me already I don't see it as any different than any other elective cosmetic surgery. I myself have modified my otherwise natural dick by cutting my frenulum. I did it cause I wanted to, and that's all the reason anyone needs to change their own bodies.

I've talked to enough people in enough places to feel like the whole "sensitivity" thing is a wash. I personally get A LOT of pleasure from my foreskin, but I know not everyone does. I don't get much pleasure from my glans or frenulum, but I know A LOT of guys do. Different people are wired differently, and if someone feels that having their glans exposed gives them more pleasure than having the foreskin rolling over it, I'm not gonna say they're wrong about that.

I also feel that despite its admirable goals, the intactivist movement has developed a problem with referring to cut dicks as "mutilated," or claiming that there are supposed persistent psychological effects from being circumcised as an infant. This unfairly stigmatizes guys who didn't have a say in the matter, who are the the exact people we should be convincing not to cut their own s o n s!

I also see people arguing over whether or not male circumcision is equivalent to female circumcision. This is a red herring. It doesn't matter how "severe" the modification is, it is still modification. Why is ALL modification of g i r l s i l l e g al in the US but b o y s have zero protection? Does this not violate the equal protection clause?

Lastly I don't respect "tradition" or "religion" as justifications for continuation of the procedure. As Sinjid306 said, not all traditions make sense. We have clear laws in most of our countries that protect religious expression so long as it doesn't violate anyone else's rights. We don't allow ritual sacrifice, or retribution killing, or parental neglect due to religious views; why do we allow circumcision?
By #444412 at 11,Sep,15 20:17
Excellent points! I'd like to address some of them. Regarding religion as a justification for circumcision. I read an article that claimed 14 infants had contracted herpes for there traditional metzitzah b'peh ceremony. Not to single out those of the Jewish faith (I'm almost certain there's no orthodox Jews on here) but this practice just isn't socially acceptable anymore.

Also my foreskin was fused to my glans on one side until i was about 11 but eventually grew apart the head of my penis. I could say hypothetically that if they attempted to circumcise me to correct this my glans may not have escaped the procedure unscathed.
By soundsgreat87 at 12,Sep,15 08:07 other posts of soundsgreat87 
I had something similar. It's a temporary bond between the foreskin and glans that is there from birth, and in most guys separates by age 5, but in some can last until 10 or 15. Mine had a little bit that separated around 10 or 11 as well. But your glans likely would have been fine, since in the process of infant circumcision, the foreskin has to be forcibly stripped from the glans anyway.
By #444412 at 12,Sep,15 20:34
Just reading that simple description of the process made me cringe.

By thesevenpointfive at 09,Sep,15 15:22 other posts of thesevenpointfive 
Very interesting sir, i personally don't think circumcision is mutilation, but i do believe that people should have the choice as to whether they want to be cut. In several World studies sex disease have been decreased as a result of circumcision programs.
Having seen the groups on this site on Mutilation, i shudder, but, if people want to do that to them selves, as long as they are aware of the risk then fine.
As to Sensitivity of a cut guy, there is no evidence to suggest that they do not have as much sensitivity as an un cut guy. I am on several forums and web sites, where people who had foreskin, where cut later in life and there evidence is that they still have feeling.
Hope this expands the debate
By #444412 at 10,Sep,15 00:19
How about this for a differentiation? If you were circumcised without consent, it's mutilation. But if the procedure was your choice, then it's modification.
By soundsgreat87 at 10,Sep,15 01:11 other posts of soundsgreat87 
I think that's a very fair assessment.
By #416899 at 10,Sep,15 14:04
He does not know the meaning of mutilation.
By #444412 at 11,Sep,15 20:18
Your comment seems to come from an emotional place. Is there a reason for that? And would you care to elaborate on your side of this debate?

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