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Sweet *Jamie

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Started by #495558 at 01,Oct,15 17:14
Jamie is a very popular member here and everyone likes him. However, he is elusive. We do however FINALLY have some background and what Jamie does for a living:

[deleted image]

Jamie manning Sector 7G and chatting with his MacBook on SYC

Similar topics: 1.How many flavors   2.Sweetxoxasxoxcandy's Message.   3.* SAY SOMETHING NICE ABOUT SOMEONE *   4.Gang of Cunts- the 1 percenters   5.A message for Jamie: Return to the site cunt  

New Comment

By bella! at 01,Oct,15 17:28 other posts of bella! 
*Jamie, for sure, is a big ol' teddy bear! To know him is to love him......
By dgraff at 27,Jan,20 12:12 other posts of dgraff 
He always treated me right happy birthday Jamie

By notynyt at 27,Jan,20 11:04 other posts of notynyt 
By #574505 at 27,Jan,20 11:08
By notynyt at 27,Jan,20 11:12 other posts of notynyt 

By bella! at 15,Mar,16 18:52 other posts of bella! 
Hey, *Jamie, WE MISS YOU!

I typed that in caps because I was yelling!

By bella! at 13,Dec,15 22:59 other posts of bella! 
And for all of you that might be wondering, what happened to Sweet *Jamie, he's now known as Guillelum.


By #316057 at 26,Oct,15 13:15
I want to thank Bella!-Cody and Reaching for my Birthday cake gifts...
By bella! at 26,Oct,15 13:16 other posts of bella! 
Aren't you a sweetheart!

By #495558 at 26,Oct,15 17:38

The cake I sent you was ticking.....
By #316057 at 27,Oct,15 04:19

By #495558 at 31,Oct,15 14:32
Hmm... the one you deleted?? Ungrateful....
By bella! at 31,Oct,15 17:36 other posts of bella! 
Geez, I thought spontaneous deletions just happened!

By #316057 at 30,Oct,15 02:46
[I do not like this topic]
By bella! at 30,Oct,15 05:40 other posts of bella! 
Don't be like that, it's nice to see a topic that is unique and positive!
By JeffinKS at 30,Oct,15 12:20 other posts of JeffinKS 
Jamie doesn't like me anymore....
don't know what I did.....
By bella! at 30,Oct,15 13:49 other posts of bella! 
Did you reach out and ask him what changed?
By JeffinKS at 31,Oct,15 04:13 other posts of JeffinKS 
cant send him a message.. only accept from friends

By #85576 at 07,Oct,15 01:14
I love jamie lok

By #316057 at 03,Oct,15 03:47
why has this thread not gone to the dumpster
By bella! at 03,Oct,15 05:42 other posts of bella! 
Because it is as good, if not better, than many of the forum topics.

With so many threads that are established by members to solely rate this or rate that, this thread was posted by someone that just wants to acknowledge that you, *Jamie, are a nice guy and well liked. Heck, being compared to Homer Simpson, I would take that as a compliment because he is recognizable by EVERYONE around the world, just as I believe that you are recognizable here ( but recognizable in a good way ).

Frankly, I'm surprised that there are not more posts because YOU are a super guy!

Hey this date, OCTOBER 24th. Yes, October 24th is *Jamie's birthday!

By JeffinKS at 04,Oct,15 00:51 other posts of JeffinKS 
ROFLMAO!!! Hey buddy look at you! A post all about you
Snap will be ever so jealous!!
By bella! at 04,Oct,15 01:08 other posts of bella! 
Do you really think snap will be envious? I'm sure if he sees this thread, he will express some heartfelt love toward *Jamie!

By #495558 at 02,Oct,15 02:46
I am not trying to imply Jamie looks like Homer but that is EXACTLY how I picture him at work
By bella! at 02,Oct,15 03:44 other posts of bella! 
Of course, *Jamie does not look like that! He does not have bulgey eyes and he has way more hair than Homer! Homer is a bumbling clown whereas there's nothing awkward about our *Jamie, he's really thoughtful towards the ladies and kind to the men.

Adult Discussion Forum