Recent Posts of member dgraff


Funniest forum moments in syd history 21,Jun,19 11:15


By dgraff at 24,Jul,24 23:18
Now you get the picture

By dgraff at 24,Jul,24 23:16
Natural gas involves fracking and they are against fracking
They closed most the coal mines they said it was too dangerous the oil wells are still going

By dgraff at 24,Jul,24 18:19
I don’t think he carries a gun either but in the movies he would grab one off the secret service guys trying to protect him and return fire

By dgraff at 24,Jul,24 18:07
Back then it was different to be a democrat bill Clinton said he would pay the deficit and he did just that he left office with a surplus it used to be the democrats were for the little guy but something changed when obama took office and i blame it on their green policies some how it put a lot of middle class and poor people out of work Pennsylvania was big on natural gas and coal and oil all fossil fuels and it drove the prices of everything up

By dgraff at 24,Jul,24 13:59
No not at all I voted for bill Clinton I’m glad he was getting some strange in the Oval Office

By dgraff at 23,Jul,24 23:15
She’s the Monica Lewinsky of the New Democratic Party i wonder if she knows anything about hand dipped cigars

By dgraff at 23,Jul,24 19:37
I can’t take Benadryl for some reason it makes me mean like i want to pick a fight over anything mean

By dgraff at 23,Jul,24 19:29
I seem to remember something to the effect that trump tried to warn everyone that it was coming way before it got to the United States he even asked congress for funding to prepare and they voted in down Joe Biden himself said trump was just being paranoid

By dgraff at 23,Jul,24 12:29
We did at one point try a gay black president but that didn’t work so well

By dgraff at 23,Jul,24 12:24
that’s funny

By dgraff at 23,Jul,24 11:43
Yeah I’m not much for punctuation
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I can do it but it slows me down

By dgraff at 23,Jul,24 10:48
That’s because we are true friends we click we are beyond the point of difference because of our many likenesses if that makes sense i don’t like Biden because he’s a career politician and i don’t like the stupid thing trump says sometimes but at this point i think trump is the best option remember i blame the democrats for forcing me to retire early the prices of everything and the taxes were just too much and if it’s no longer profitable then why waist my time

By dgraff at 23,Jul,24 10:36
Thank you Cody i respect and love you for who you are

By dgraff at 23,Jul,24 10:33
The world is not ready for a woman president what if one morning she wakes up in a mood and decides to start a war or say for instance Putin moved missiles into Cuba again pointing our way is she going to have the balls to march over to Putin and say get those missiles out of Cuba or we are at war or will she have a meltdown and start crying saying oh my god oh my god what do I do oh boo hoo i just think it’s a bad idea

By dgraff at 23,Jul,24 00:22
I know he pulled us out of Afghanistan so fast that people were hanging on to the wings trying to get out of there and they were dropping off to their death
I know he left important pieces of equipment like black hawk helicopters sit over there with the keys in the ignition as if to say come get me isis and alqaeda

By dgraff at 22,Jul,24 21:43
So let’s give Joe Biden a moment of silence while we reflect back on the great things he accomplished in the last 3 years
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Nope sorry I’ve got nothing

By dgraff at 22,Jul,24 21:40
He better be running to win I’m counting on him to straighten things out

By dgraff at 22,Jul,24 18:02
Me too

By dgraff at 22,Jul,24 14:52
I lived with one for a year and I tried to do most of the cooking or i ended up with rice fried banana or refried beans

By dgraff at 22,Jul,24 13:32
They like them to and anything with beans 🫘 you must live in a state where they are plentiful

By dgraff at 22,Jul,24 12:33
OMG I can just hear her ranting and raving about it already

By dgraff at 22,Jul,24 01:05
Any one who was the fence before i think will vote for trump it’s to late in the game to switch gears now no one wants Kamala Harris she’s nothing more than a Nancy Pelosi want-a be I think the democrats are done stick a fork in them

By dgraff at 21,Jul,24 19:38
Yep I just got the word about an hour ago it’s for the good of the people even the Clinton’s can’t do as bad as joe
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They are going to run Kamala Harris for sure but I still don’t know who her running mate will be

By dgraff at 21,Jul,24 19:30

By dgraff at 21,Jul,24 14:58
The Puerto Rican’s are easily persuaded with a bag of rice

By dgraff at 21,Jul,24 14:56

By dgraff at 21,Jul,24 14:20
We make a triangle

By dgraff at 21,Jul,24 13:42
I’m trying my best to convert as many as I can

By dgraff at 21,Jul,24 13:37
I was forced to see a counselor as a stipulation to my last DUI 30 some years ago and the counselor was a big fat lady that had 2 chairs behind her desk to sit on this woman was 600 lbs at least so she was asking me questions about drinking and I was being truthful with her then she said to me Mr Graff it seems to me like you over indulge a little bit and that didn’t set well with me so I stood up and said to her well mam with all do respect it looks like you do a bit of over indulging your self and I picked up her box of donuts off her desk and threw them in the waist paper basket and stormed out
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Of course her letter of recommendation to the judge was that i needed counseling

By dgraff at 21,Jul,24 13:08
Me i just enjoy liberal bashing
You should see my work on Facebook a lot of the poor dumb bastards delete their account

By dgraff at 21,Jul,24 13:03
Hey me too

By dgraff at 20,Jul,24 22:42
Absolutely that’s what I’m thinking say what you want about Donald Trump but he loves his country all the fingers are being pointed at the Democratic Party for that shooting but hey every failed attempt just makes trump look better and better they tried to scare him away that didn’t work they tried to lock him up that didn’t work they tried to kill him and that didn’t work he’s going to be our next president

By dgraff at 20,Jul,24 19:15
I would have returned fire i work good under pressure

By dgraff at 20,Jul,24 16:42
They had shrimp that big you could make a sandwich out of them

By dgraff at 20,Jul,24 16:39
So after watching the clip of president trump being shot and the secret service pushing him to the ground to protect him i noticed as they were helping him up he had his fist in the air yelling i will never serenader with blood dripping from his ear and I’ve come to a conclusion that he is one tough son of a bitch now that’s my president
What would Biden have done pissed his pants and laid there until an ambulance arrived he’s weak like that

By dgraff at 20,Jul,24 15:03
And I guess you don’t think any lies come out of Biden’s mouth it is to laugh he’s been lying to us for 50 years

By dgraff at 20,Jul,24 14:58
Yeah that’s the way I figured it was a bus trip and a bunch of us went they dropped us off on a Friday and picked us back up Sunday they had fabulous all you can eat buffets and free drinks all in all i had fun

By dgraff at 19,Jul,24 14:48
Well you see anus we’re Joe Biden made his biggest mistake and it happened recently is he was hungry for a McDonald’s fish sandwich 🥪 but it was late and they weren’t open so he ate Kamala’s pussy instead and he made the whole country smell like rotten fish that’s why he is sick at first they thought it was Covid but now they’re thinking it’s salmonella i hope the old guy pulls through he should have known better than to eat smelly fish after midnight

By dgraff at 19,Jul,24 14:35
I pulled out of my shop lease on may the fifteenth
My new job is harassing the good people of show it off and Facebook

By dgraff at 19,Jul,24 13:28
I’m really laid back lately I don’t have a care in the world

By dgraff at 19,Jul,24 12:26
That we agree on

By dgraff at 19,Jul,24 10:35
Good luck may the best team win

By dgraff at 19,Jul,24 01:32
I got to meet Donald Trump he put me up in a sweet at trump palace and he gave me 1000 dollars in **** chips to get me started he’s actually a pretty nice guy any how I gambled his 1000 away and lost 300 of my own money and came home with nothing

By dgraff at 19,Jul,24 00:16
No you vote for the old prune but when he fucks up bad really bad don’t complain on here because I will be quick to tell you I told you so he’s from the state of Pennsylvania he lived 50 miles away from me I know all about the Biden family I’m sticking with TRUMP/ Vance 2024

By dgraff at 18,Jul,24 20:25
Are you fucking kidding me
Fuel prices through the roof
Food prices through the roof
Utility prices through the roof
Yeah right an economy envied by the world the 2 most important issues are the economy and inflation

By dgraff at 18,Jul,24 20:16
I can do research to and what I’m trying to show you is for every thing you can find bad about trump I can find just as many things about Biden I was just using anus licker because he’s in Dutch country and look’s up stuff on the internet and thinks he’s knows more about our country than we do I’m living it every day and so are you

By dgraff at 18,Jul,24 18:33
This is true I’ve been bashing them right and left on Facebook most times they deleted their profile when I reminded them that all there information is posted on there page
Were they live
What school they attended
There hobbies it’s all their

By dgraff at 18,Jul,24 18:03
Hey anal licker your the wizard of looking shit up look up how many times Joe Biden voted to cut social security and raise the retirement age in a 40 year career as a senator so big Eddie can see

By dgraff at 18,Jul,24 17:34
He didn’t stand a ghost of a chance at winning anyway

By dgraff at 18,Jul,24 13:26
I believe what I want to believe facts mean nothing to me