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Started by #68656 at 04,Oct,15 05:53
This really is dumpster material.

I was pleased to receive a personal e-mail from a previous well known member who closed his account some time back. The email went to a second account and not to my main address the details of which obviously was supplied by another member who is not known for his integrity. So you slipped up there Mr. shrink.

Going by the time sent he must have sent it prior to leaving for Church, also he found it necessary to fake my details which is of no consequence.

Here is a text copy of the message for your amusement.

All so very silly.

In any case let us wish him well in his future endeavours.








Date Today 08:53

Priority Normal

Message 1 of 1 < >

you old cunt

Similar topics: 1.Like being watched while masturbating?   2.Exhibitionism and it's implications.   3.And again about fakes on dating sites   4.Internet Trolls....  

New Comment

By JustWill at 05,Oct,15 19:17 other posts of JustWill 
Oddly, this wasn't amusing in the slightest.
By Ray10754 at 05,Oct,15 19:35 other posts of Ray10754 
Was thinking the same thing! Actually I thought it was rather foolish.
By JustWill at 05,Oct,15 20:47 other posts of JustWill 
That's why I consider you a friend, Ray. We are usually on the same page in these matters.

By #44497 at 04,Oct,15 12:45
Too bad Deviant has already been deleted and banned from this site !

Adult Discussion Forum