| Would you allow thousands of i-llegal immigrants into you country? Think specifically of Syria for the purposes of this thread.
Is it a good thing, or are there unknown perils ahead? Such as cost burden, not prioritizing citizens, crime/terrorism, strain on infrastructure, etc etc.
My point of view is a bit of a hybrid:
I think immigration is a good thing when it is regulated and controlled. It is not 1912 anymore. It is not simply a matter of bringing people in and allowing them to stay without creating a security risk. I also have to politely push back on quality of people trying to enter. What are they going to contribute?
If there is no education or skill set, we are increasing the size of the welfare rolls. So, without some planning or requirement to become educated or skilled, it seems like another socialist nightmare.
Engage and debate..... |
Regrettably, there is no libertarian capitalism anymore on this planet, only several countries may be defined like that with essential assumptions. Most of developed countries are now liberal socialistic to some degree or another (give it time and they will naturally convert into less liberal forms of socialism, but that's another topic) - so migrants are a problem.
Additionally, Arabs currently are religious and cultural barbarians comparing to European population and with it's hypocritical tolerance and political correctness Europe does not stand a chance against them. They will destroy those European liberal societies. Come to think of it, it's not so bad, I'm always glad to see another false socialistic utopia failing epically and frankly, it would be much less devastating now than if it crumbles later, on more ugly stages of socialism. But if I was living in Europe and enjoyed those give-outs myself I would definitely say no to migrants.