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Game of Thrones

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Started by #496814 at 02,Jan,16 13:08
Winter is coming and when it's gone again it's time for the new season of GoT. Jon Snow, apparently dead at the end of the last season will be making a comeback if the teasers are to believed (and why not?). There are a lot of theories about Jon's parentage, one most widely suggested to be L+R=J. What do you think and believe? Who raised him from the dead, or wasn't he dead in the first place?

Im slowly starting to get excited about it again after the end of season break.

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By #510905 at 03,May,16 08:41
Ramsay is such a ruthless dude. Killed his own dad.
By #496814 at 03,May,16 20:24
A spoiler alert would have been welcome for the lesser addicts like us :p
--------------------------------------- added after 483 hours

Wow, what an episode!

By #500820 at 03,May,16 04:45
[deleted image] Aryas Ass? Kings Landing
By #496814 at 03,May,16 07:34
Hehe, luckily bo 'Flee Bottom'

By #496814 at 13,Apr,16 22:02
Only two more weeks before it starts. I cant deny Im a little bit excited about it.
--------------------------------------- added after 262 hours

...and but a day for us non-Americans. Quite excited about the season premiere. Will Jon be revived right away. Will the action north of the wall finally get south? What will become of daeny? And how long will the Lannisters remain in the center of power? Questions that prolly will be answered early on in the new season.
--------------------------------------- added after 384 hours

Any opinions about the first episode?
By #477463 at 01,May,16 20:26
Best season opener in my opinion. Can't wait to see how Bran is going to change the game!
By #496814 at 02,May,16 03:57
The Game is a changing...

After the last episode, the series won't be the same again. We were used to expect the unexpected, but now we received the expected. The Jigsawpieces are finally starting to fall into place and fit in eachother.

By bella! at 02,Jan,16 20:30 other posts of bella! 
Off topic, so winter is coming to the Netherlands? My friend, I just checked and Google'd the weather conditions where you're's almost 21:30 and it's 46 degrees F versus 27 degrees F at 15:30 in Michigan ( with the sun shining )! You obviously don't know what winter is!
By #496814 at 03,Jan,16 13:32
Any temperature below 20° C. I consider winter due to my mediteranean heritage.

Dunno what that is in fahrenheit.
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

Ps: I exected you to end with 'You know nothing, Filly' in previous post
By bella! at 03,Jan,16 14:33 other posts of bella! 
You say "winter" and my response to you is; you got to be kidding !

When I checked your winter conditions, it was 15:30 in Michigan, the sun blazing and it was approximately -3 to -4 degrees Celsius versus the Netherlands. It was 21:30, in your neck of the world, the sun set hours ago and it's almost 8 degrees Celsius! Filly, Filly, Filly, that's the temperature that we hope to get to in March and April. I'm curious, what are the coldest months where you are?
--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes

Hey, the winter, thus far, has been relatively mild. This time last year, we had many days below zero ( -18 C ). Woo hoo, less than 90 days until spring!
By #496814 at 03,Jan,16 19:56
It has been minus 20° C a couple of years ago. Normal winters here vary between -10 to 10. -10 not happening much though.
--------------------------------------- added after 84 hours

Btw, 'Winter is Coming' is one of the taglines of the show and arguably the most important one. It was more of a pun than me talking about the real winter here.

Still, anything below the aforementioned 20°C I consider cold.
By #190275 at 21,Jan,16 12:25
Im from norway, stop pretending to know what cold is :p

By yellowman at 20,Jan,16 21:16 other posts of yellowman 
I've never seen it either. There seems to be an awful lot of fuss about it.

By Blade at 12,Jan,16 02:17 other posts of Blade 
What season is the new episodes? Season 6?
By #496814 at 12,Jan,16 11:42
By Blade at 17,Jan,16 04:18 other posts of Blade 
Did they start yet? Obviously I don't have HBO.

By #477463 at 02,Jan,16 20:20
Idk. I have some theories. I think the red priestess just may resurrect him since the red priest was able to resurrect beric dondarian... It's possible she may have been using stannis as a pawn to get to the wall and / or jon is really the one she was seeking...she may have known or misinterpreted a vision.
Maybe john took the direwolf ghost's body since he's a warg. I cant wait until spring or the next book. Come on GRRM!!! You're killing us lol
By #496814 at 03,Jan,16 22:08
That theory seems the most logical and supported one. Ive read a few others though: that Bran took control of his mind and body and with help of the weirwood he gets some life energy again and recovers.

Or that he in fact was resurrected by the white walkers, now being undead.

The latter though serves no purpose in explaining the very plausible L+R=J theory though. Further on that theory, one wrote that Tyrion might actually be Targaryen too, not being from Tywin. Interesting idea that.

By bella! at 02,Jan,16 14:10 other posts of bella! 
I understand that Game of Thrones is quite good however I do not pay for that upgraded programming on Direct Dish. Perhaps I should purchase the DVD's and see for myself. That and Breaking Bad.....
By #204766 at 03,Jan,16 04:48
Game of thrones is awesome

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