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Alan Rickman: British Actor Dies Aged 69

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Started by mr_blue at 14,Jan,16 13:50  other posts of mr_blue
R.I.P. Alan Rickman

British actor Alan Rickman, famous for roles in Harry Potter and Love Actually, has died at the age of 69, his family has said.

The star won a BAFTA, Golden Globe, Emmy and Screen Actors Guild award in a career which began in the late 1970s.

However, he shot to stardom in 1988 when he played Hans Gruber, Bruce Willis's adversary, in Hard.

Rickman gained legions of new fans for his role as Professor Severus Snape in the Harry Potter films.

A family statement said: "The actor and director Alan Rickman has died from cancer at the age of 69. He was surrounded by family and friends."

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By #220845 at 15,Jan,16 19:40

By Sickboy at 14,Jan,16 17:22 other posts of Sickboy 
First Bowie now Rickman truly a bad month ...... I'm gutted
By #494679 at 14,Jan,16 23:50
Yeah, also Lemmy from Motorhead, soul singer Otis Clay, Natalie Cole and Scott Weiland from Stone Temple Pilots and Velvet Revolver who died on tour in December.
By #485312 at 15,Jan,16 00:17
and now celine dions husband rene has passed too, its a bad month for dying, some many in such a short time *lix*
By #494679 at 15,Jan,16 00:18
Yes, I was going to mention him too. Also, an old UK radio DJ and TV presenter called Ed Stewart deserves a mention and farewell too

By #494679 at 14,Jan,16 22:04
Yeah, the first time I saw ever saw him was in the Die Hard movie. After that I next saw him in that Robin Hood movie. I still say he was the best actor/character in that too!

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