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I don't get this whole milking tits for points thing.

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Started by #487013 at 06,Mar,16 06:23
I followed the rules and must be doing something wrong cause I don't see any hanging out. I must get the ones blowing powered milk or something.

Similar topics: 1.milking?   2.Best tits contest   3.Deleted accounts = loss of points   4.Milking Prostate   5.Taking care of your Mr  

New Comment

By skinb at 17,Mar,16 15:13 other posts of skinb 
Didn't find any for weeks and all of a sudden found cards, then tits, then tits! So finally found some. They are exactly like the icon shown on the page and just anywhere over the image thumbnails

By #502573 at 13,Mar,16 22:09
Go find a site that shows tits. This one does say dicks!

By skinb at 10,Mar,16 23:32 other posts of skinb 
I was wondering the same thing. Guess I'll just have to keep looking
By #505462 at 13,Mar,16 20:35
I find them maybe once in about 30 tries. Definitely a lot harder than the 1 in 6 mentioned.

By #316057 at 11,Mar,16 00:13
Lol. I have found about 25
By mr_blue at 11,Mar,16 00:44 other posts of mr_blue 
The 'ole razzle dazzle
By #316057 at 11,Mar,16 03:15
yeah he seems to be a hit..

By bella! at 06,Mar,16 15:25 other posts of bella! 
1) are you looking for the milkers within an hour of your vote?

2) have you changed your status from invisible to visible?

3) are your eyes scanning all the pictures posted on page #1? A member shared a screenshot with me which showed that the milkers were found on snap's knees.

4) don't look for this, , look for this,

5) you're not always going to be A WINNER so get over it!
By #487013 at 06,Mar,16 16:19
Gee, that last one was kinda rude. Not enough fiber this morning I take it?
By bella! at 11,Mar,16 00:24 other posts of bella! 
Really, rude? I had hoped that you would accept it as what it was meant to be, reality with a sprinkling of sarcasm.

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