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Men in Newquay ?

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Started by #313534 at 25,May,16 03:46
Any men in Newquay Uk, I want to see my partner fucked by myself and another man. Dont want to do it in my own town due to knowing alot of people and the gossip. We are down on holiday in newquay in September and would like to come to your home and let you join us in a threesome...... we need to get a few pics and emails so we can be comfortable when this happens......

New Comment

By pifad at 25,May,16 04:33 other posts of pifad 
Dude, who is "we"? Oh your dick? Yeah I'd hit it
By #313534 at 25,May,16 05:04
No pal, we as in me and my partner.....
By bella! at 25,May,16 05:10 other posts of bella! 
Your profile states that you're straight and interested in women. Just for clarification, your partner is female, correct? And you're interested in a MMF hookup, correct?
By #313534 at 25,May,16 05:41
yes that is right

By bella! at 25,May,16 04:02 other posts of bella! 
I hope your search is fruitful! Good luck!

Adult Discussion Forum