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Little girls. .....BIG COCKs

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Started by LeatherAndLace at 17,Nov,16 21:40  other posts of LeatherAndLace
I just cannot figure out why the smaller girls can really handle some huge cock while bigger girls tend to struggle a little more. Any input?

Similar topics: 1.Perfect cock size for a girl?   2.Monster cocks!?   3.measuring other cocks   4.First time seen naked by group   5.The mystery of Filipino cocks!!!  

New Comment

By #485312 at 18,Nov,16 01:09
lve heard dudes say that fat chicks are tighter than skinny girls, l thought it all depended on muscle tone, but l may be wrong, all cunts can take a baby usually, they are built to stretch big enough for a babies head usually, *lix*
By LeatherAndLace at 19,Nov,16 00:08 other posts of LeatherAndLace 
Hahaha. I see your point Lix

By #519017 at 17,Nov,16 23:11
I just love small women with hands so petite they can only just wrap their hand round my shaft for a HJ. It feels good and makes my cock look big.

By #496814 at 17,Nov,16 22:55
Vagina size matters just as much as cock size, as does lubrication and ability to expand. I dare to say that only the first isslightly correlated to body size.

The other way around is not plausible, but even in that case body weight could have a influence on ability of the vagina to expand. I don't believe in the by you projected difference without a source though.

By leopoldij at 17,Nov,16 22:55 other posts of leopoldij 
What evidence do you have for this?

Adult Discussion Forum