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Xl fit cindums / condums break

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Started by Greek18cm at 04,Dec,16 02:49  other posts of Greek18cm
Ok i want to mention two topics in one.

I never consiser me as big cock. But the last year in this site + some girls and friends in my lif convinced me otherwise.

So i buy some months ago an xl fit condum and i saw i was fit in it, nit small.

I thing that condum can streach for bigger cocks than mine but... It feels good to fit in it, buy it.

Even when someobe spot it in your car or bag or whatever...

Secind tipic i also bought some other kind of condum and i test it my self and well. It was the first time i break a condum.

It felt so good. I felt so... Well you understand.

Is there any coment or your story related to those two?

Similar topics: 1.HYMEN   2.Break   3.Taking a break...   4.Taking a break from SYD   5.Uncut cocks and condums  

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By phart at 04,Dec,16 13:53 other posts of phart 
I saw some for use on your finger to put in suppository's. I thought "Um, they finally made 1 for my pecker that I can wrap some duct tape around the bottom and maby hold it on!"

By #485312 at 04,Dec,16 04:55
Takes a lot to break one, when you can stretch a standard one to fit over your head, it will fit any cock. Slims are good for the smaller guys so they don't fall off *lix*

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