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Exhibitionist and lockers/showers

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Started by #479194 at 16,Jan,17 23:32
I think we're all into it here to a certain degree or more just thought I'd bring up the topic, as been getting more thrill(?) from it.

First got my thrill of it at a gym, got out shower, wrapped towel, but had to get boxers on, it was a little busy in the room, so of course took towel off. I was still quick about it though.
I feel more comfortable at the swimming pool lockers doing it though, maybe as it's like everyone does it there :p
Anyone else experiences in these places?

Also just wondering if anyone has a local pool or gym where they don't have cubicles for the shower or changing area? I know not everyone likes showering in front of others and that, but places used to be quite open, with maybe 2 cubicles instead, with more shower heads.

Similar topics: 1.Golden showers?   2.Golden showers?   3.showers and urinals   4.Exhibitionist help   5.A lot of people who have clothed only pics for an exhibitionist site....  

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By #515004 at 19,Jan,17 06:07
Sounds familiar Blade. I was little when I saw my first dicks also at a amusement/water park. I was shocked how all these men were just freely walking around naked. I remember being like a horse with blinkers. Recently I attended a physical therapy session that required aquatics. A couple times my session ended with an older guy I guess about 60 or 70.after showering we both would be the only ones dressing. He would take his sweet time getting his undies on and would have small talk with me naked. I think he just wanted to show off his dick.

By Odin_york_pa at 18,Jan,17 00:07 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
Both the gym I belone to and the pool I frequent in the summer have open showers. Just a big, square room with multiple shower heads running along the walls. The changing room at the gym has a few rows of lockers with just benches running the lenght of them. The pool changing area is another open room with a few benches in the middle and some running along the walls. Sooo many good views, doesn't seem like the young or old are afraid of being naked around others in my area :-)

By #423426 at 17,Jan,17 09:08
The changing "rooms" at our local outdoor pool in Munich is a totally open, mixed sex area. There are a few private rooms for changing, but in general, people just let it all hang out. The showers aren't mixed sex, but are open. It's a much healthier mindset over there than the one we've had forced on us in the UK and USA etc.

By #518391 at 17,Jan,17 08:21
I always strip off in the locker room and walk to the showers naked...but most younger guys now do the 'towel dance' and even if they strip off, wrap a towel around them or even walk to the showers in underpants...a few guys are like me, but it used to be like that always. I'm a runner too, and runners aren't generally cock-shy...we all shower together in open showers, so there's no way of hiding...that's the way it should be...

By Blade at 17,Jan,17 03:37 other posts of Blade 
I have a couple great memories of Water Park changing rooms. One time I went in one that was super crowded. I ended up changing in front of 3 young teens across from me and all ages all around me. There were 4 rows of benches and two fo them went against the opposite wall.

I saw on one of the middle ones facing the 3 teens on the bench against the back wall. I didn't even have to do anything strange. I just changed as normal, but as I was naked my dick was face level to the teens who were just finishing getting dressed. I was changing into my bathing suit. I was lauging to myself as the teens tried not to look at my dick, or at least not let their friends see them look.

As I got my suit on, I look down the row, and the guy at the end is sitting naked rubbing his hair with a towel & stuff. His big ass dick and balls are hanging off the edge of the bench down for all to see. I had to walk past him, and he never tried to cover himself at all the entire time.

What made it so intense and funky was that it was so crowded, so you couldn't space yourself. everyone was constantantly in front of someone else.

It was a brand new waterpark, so no one wanted to waste anytime waiting in line for an open spot.

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