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What do women find attractive about a man's cock head

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Started by #174339 at 03,Mar,17 23:31
A question for women My Wife says that you cock head is the most arousing part of the penis for her is this true for all women And what is it arouses them about it is it size shape color Of the head

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New Comment

By leopoldij at 27,Jul,21 00:32 other posts of leopoldij 
Women power

[deleted image]

By qhaos at 14,Mar,17 06:13 other posts of qhaos 
My wife loves that my cock is veiny, she spend a lot of time following my veins with her fingertips. My ex was like your wife, she loved my glans so much

By bella! at 03,Mar,17 23:52 other posts of bella! 
Gee, I think that what women find arousing will differ from woman to woman, no? Think about it, what you might find visually attractive and stimulating on a woman may not be every man's "cup of tea".

Your wife is drawn to the glans, personally, I find a man's balls so much more exciting.
By #174339 at 06,Mar,17 07:02
Thank you for your insight and I suppose you're right it will vary from person to person and yes she is attracted two big mushroom head. Maybe even a little bit obsessed to each his own I reckon

By #509888 at 14,Mar,17 05:51
Thanks bella

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