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Getting hard at the gym

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Started by #530663 at 11,Mar,17 07:28
Whenever I go to the gym locker room and start taking my clothes off ready to go in to the shower I can feel my cock getting hard so I have to rush to the shower quickly. Should I just let my cock get hard and not worry about it?

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New Comment

By #519017 at 24,Mar,17 23:27
Let it get erect. In the gym I go to I often see guys with boners and get one myself. Try jacking it off in the shower so it goes flaccid if having a hard on bothers you.

By xdjxx1 at 15,Mar,17 23:50 other posts of xdjxx1 
Definitely. Getting hard in the gym changing rooms - or anywhere else for that matter is perfectly natural.

Just wish more guys got excited at my gym!

By skot at 12,Mar,17 07:56 other posts of skot 
If i saw you at the gym I'd probably get hard too. If i saw you erect I'd probably assume I was dreaming

By spermkiss at 11,Mar,17 16:34 other posts of spermkiss 
Yes you should. Getting an erection in the locker room is not a faux pas. What should you do when it happens? Just keep on doing whatever you'd be doing if you didn't have an erection. You should neither call attention to it by fondling it nor attempt to hide it. Each of these is a faux pas.

By kebmo at 11,Mar,17 09:54 other posts of kebmo 
I love walking around with a semi hard cock. It's still hanging but it looks bigger and nicer to the guys that look at it and lots of guys do look because they do know it's a semi.

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