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Can you post a pic in forums without adding it to your public ones?

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Started by RealTitsLover at 05,Apr,17 09:47  other posts of RealTitsLover
That's basically what I'm wondering.

I read the different descriptions for each type of upload, but it doesn't explain this ~> I've had trouble trying to change a private pic to public... it says it'll cost whatever points to change it, but doesn't give any option besides 'private' to change it to.

I also tried renaming a pic, and uploading it again as public, but it didn't work...

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By RealTitsLover at 15,Apr,17 16:56 other posts of RealTitsLover 
Thanks... I have one that was on my page that I deleted, but it's still showing up in an old post in one of the groups. Any way to delete that?
By admin at 15,Apr,17 17:50 other posts of admin 
It's likely in your browser cache and no one else can see it. No deleted images are stored on this site, unless there was some error with deletion. What's the image?
By RealTitsLover at 15,Apr,17 18:45 other posts of RealTitsLover 
Actually, the post isn't even there anymore... Do they only last 30 days or something in the Groups?

By RealTitsLover at 15,Apr,17 19:31 other posts of RealTitsLover 
Something else involving pics... there's no way to block the ones in PMs that are not private uploads (when they use the thing for posting in forum under the pictures), is there? I'm trying to prevent more dick pics that I keep getting sent by random members who either ignore or don't read profile descripions.
By admin at 15,Apr,17 20:14 other posts of admin 
You can block private messages from any males at all (set "block males" + "everything").


Or you can turn off the thumbnails (see item "Images in Chats:" on the same page) and you will only see links to the pics which is at least not that offensive.
By RealTitsLover at 15,Apr,17 22:25 other posts of RealTitsLover 
Thanks. Thanks for this site, too. I thought I'd be done giving it a chance a while ago, then I realized certain aspects of it grew on me... I'll do that with the thumbnails. I didn't wanna block males from everything if I could help it. I'd feel like some kind of homophobe. Seems like at least half the guys were "straight" though, so maybe a "straight"ophobe...

No wonder the ones I went ahead and told I have no interest were surprised... I think they've been calling themselves straight for so long, they've forgotten the actual meaning.

By admin at 15,Apr,17 16:01 other posts of admin 
It's made for your protection. If you uploaded pic as private it may contain something you do not want everyone to see, like your face for example. And it's not good if you change it to public by mistake.

However, if you delete private upload, you can upload same image again as public.

By Arinn at 15,Apr,17 12:14 other posts of Arinn 
To answer part of your question, I've been denied because the pic was already posted. Even after editing it. If I delete it from SYD first I can resubmit it as a new pic.

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