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Illinois gloryhole experience. Where to find one

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Started by #509942 at 11,Apr,17 08:13
My first time. Guy came in, pulled my shorts down and started stroking my dick. Then he started sucking my dick and playing with my balls till i was going to cum. I tried pulling out of his mouth but he wouldn't let me. So i cummed in his mouth

Similar topics: 1.anyone have any gloryhole pictures   2.illinois   3.l looking for a gloryhole   4.anyone in Illinois?   5.Southeast Illinois  

New Comment

By cumonme1 at 20,Apr,17 11:35 other posts of cumonme1 
when you are sucking cock or getting sucked off it's only proper to cum in the mouth it's where it belongs not on the floor

By #532987 at 18,Apr,17 02:33
As a male who loves dick and swallowing ball creme our supreme moment is when you squirt your ball creme inside our mouth. We live for the moment when we taste all of your deliciousness craving the thrill of savoring the taste as your gobs of hot thick creamy sugar slides down our throats

By spermkiss at 11,Apr,17 15:04 other posts of spermkiss 
"I tried pulling out...but he wouldn't let me."

This is pretty typical. The majority of cocksuckers want that load of sperm. I certainly do. Indeed, for me the orgasmic climax and the ejaculation is the highlight of the cocksucking experience. So the next time a cocksucker wants to suck you, just lean back, relax and enjoy it. And when you're ready to cum, go ahead and shoot it in his mouth. He wants it. Trust me on that.

By the way, you have a really attractive dick. It would be both a pleasure and an honor to suck you off.

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