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Dick performance after 60

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Started by #497509 at 22,May,17 16:16
I am 62. Size of my dick was 17 cm by 14 cm before 55. But now it seems that its size is diminishing . Is it because of less hard erection compare to earlier days ? But when it gets hard, my wife complains of much pain during insertion and she tells that my dick has become bigger . She asks me to take some ed pills.

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New Comment

By onthelose at 24,Mar,25 04:23 other posts of onthelose 
I am 77 and because I gain a few pounds around my dick it is shorter. Not that I was ever big to begin with. But it doesn’t help . Lose weight and gain some length.

By chubbyloves at 22,May,17 18:16 other posts of chubbyloves 
Ask your doctor and stock up on ED pills. I don't know what one has to do with the other. If your dick is hurting her because it is to large, it is not ED. She need to see a doctor and have that checked. Some times the walls can start thinning. If that is the case, fix it now before you love life goes down the drain
By #6568 at 24,May,17 06:49
If your wife is also about your age the she is likely having age associated problems herself. The vagina of a post menopausal woman often has much less flexibility and much less natural lubrication....

.....Perhaps the pair of you should see a doctor or a sex therapist and sort out your problems intelligently then you ca nenjoy many more years of happy sex and love-making.

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