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Am I the only one into men's nipples?

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Started by dickisgreat at 28,May,17 22:01  other posts of dickisgreat
I realize the site is Show Your *Dick* but I hope we can see some sexy big thick men's nipples here!

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Similar topics: 1.nipples   2.nipples hardwired to cock?   3.For women: who has the biggest nipples?   4.Broken nipples   5.Girl with hard nipples  

New Comment

By #502711 at 04,Jan,18 02:25
Like my nips?

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By #485312 at 05,Jan,18 05:32
fucking hot nipples baby, love sucking the fuck out of them *lix*
By #502711 at 05,Jan,18 13:13
I know baby

By dickisgreat at 05,Jan,18 12:16 other posts of dickisgreat 
ohjeezuschrist YES!! Those are triple-platinum 5-time Grammy winner nipples! I think I commented on your pics a long time ago.
By #502711 at 05,Jan,18 13:13
Cheers, thank you

By foreskinlover52 at 04,Jan,18 00:11 other posts of foreskinlover52 

Heres mine

By dickisgreat at 03,Jan,18 22:19 other posts of dickisgreat 
Wow check out this guy's big thick nips Those are AMAZING

By dickisgreat at 16,Jun,17 20:59 other posts of dickisgreat 
Sucked on a guy's huge nipples for easily half an hour today while we were having sex. They were enormous, easily 1.5", almost 4 cm
By bella! at 16,Jun,17 21:10 other posts of bella! 
You have gorgeous nipples! 👍

By RealTitsLover at 28,May,17 22:16 other posts of RealTitsLover 
Yikes... one of my friends had nipples like that in my school, and the other guys would bust his balls about it in the locker room.

I've seen two threads here since yesterday about guys that are turned on by having them played with... I can't relate to that, though. Reminds me of when I asked about having your balls played with on another board, and half the guys said it just felt weird and did nothing for them. That's how I feel about my nipples.
By dickisgreat at 28,May,17 22:31 other posts of dickisgreat 
Huh you actually find it weird and not fun -? Like many guys I have almost no special sensitivity in my nips but it can still generally be hot when they're sucked.

However I'm completely surprised to hear anyone doesn't like their balls played with! I thought everyone liked that.
By RealTitsLover at 28,May,17 22:51 other posts of RealTitsLover 
I don't think the thought of it is weird, just the sensation. Of course, I love sucking girls' nipples...

I was very surprised about the balls thing too. Some were just indifferent about it, and some others said they were too overly sensitive for it to feel pleasureable to them.
By dickisgreat at 29,May,17 08:25 other posts of dickisgreat 
Gotcha. Ahh I *wish* parts of me were overly sensitive. Maybe I've jerked off so much it dulled the sensitivity ;^)

By #485312 at 29,May,17 00:27
l love mens nipples, l love seeing them hard and pumped, sucking on them and teasing them is a pleasure, l love sucking on AussieMans till they are sore and tender... *lix*

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