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"Friends" are nice, but prefer smaller photos

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Started by #27984 at 01,Feb,10 02:01
It's nice to be "friended" by someone, but then in some cases it means I'm stuck downloading the gigantic pictures they posted. I actually prefer the smaller pics to the full-sized ones. When downloading, is there any way to "opt out" of the giant photos and, instead, continue to receive the smaller ones that I was getting before I was friended?

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New Comment

By #23212 at 02,Feb,10 08:16
When you get the 'larger' pics from a 'friend', you get their photos in higher resolution, thus higher quality. You can always make photos smaller, if you want, but you can never add resolution to a photo that you already have.
By #27984 at 03,Feb,10 01:54
Hi. Thanks for your ideas on photos. I agree I could resize them to something smaller. But my concern is with download time. Even with 3Mbps DSL, it's tiresome. The small photos "pop", but the large ones require several seconds to arrive. If I'm trying to download 250 photos in an evening, it's just way too long. I'd like to be able to download the smaller copies.
By #23212 at 03,Feb,10 06:00
I understand now, that you have a somewhat different issue. I just tried downloading a couple of pics from a 'friend' of mine, vs. a 'non-friend'. I have the "up to" 6Mbps DSL, but get only ca.5.2, and yes, there was a quick "pop" vs. a ca. 1/2 second lag. I could see that this could be "tiresome" if one is doing many photos at one time, though to me a higher quality photo is much more important. A further thought here though: I have found big differences in the speed using different browsers; so perhaps you might want to try and see if a different browser helps? I have not checked this whole site, but perhaps, and the Admin. might help, there is a way to 'unfriend' oneself.

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